Feedbackloop-first Rationality
I’ve been workshopping a new rationality training paradigm. (By “rationality training paradigm”, I mean an approach to learning/teaching the skill of “noticing what cognitive strategies are useful, and getting better at them.”)
I think the paradigm has promise. I’ve beta-tested it for a couple weeks. It’s too early to tell if it actually works, but one of my primary goals is to figure out if it works relatively quickly, and give up if it isn’t not delivering.
The goal of this post is to:
Convey the framework
See if people find it compelling in its current form
Solicit ideas for improvements, before I decide whether to invest heavily into a larger experiment around it.
Rationality needs better feedback loops
Claim: Feedback loops are the most important thing ever. Hard things are hard because they have bad feedback loops. Some of the most important things (e.g. x-risk mitigation research) have the worst feedback loops.
Bold prediction: You can learn to think better, even about confusing, poor-feedback domains. This requires developing the art of inventing feedback loops. And then, actually putting in a lot of deliberate practice effort.
I’ve long been haunted by this Romeo Stevens comment (slightly paraphrased)[1]
Deliberate practice deliberate practice until you get really good identifying good feedback loops, and working with them.
People have a really hard time with interventions often because they literally do not have a functioning causal model of the skill in question. People who apply deliberate practice to a working causal model often level up astonishingly quickly. Don’t know if you have the appropriate causal model? Well, when you apply deliberate practice do you not get better? You’re pulling on fake levers.
In the past, I’ve tried to practice thinking. I’ve done explicit puzzle-solving exercises, and I have a day job that forces me to think about challenging questions on a regular basis. I sometimes have tried to refactor my day-job into something deliberate practice-shaped, but it never gelled.
I think I’ve gotten better at thinking in the past 12 years. But I haven’t gotten overwhelmingly obviously better at thinking. I recently decided to deliberate practicing “solve confusing problems”, until I was demonstrably better at it, and to host some workshops where I tried helping other people practice too.
I ended up settling into a paradigm of rationality training with five elements:
Deliberate Practice. Do challenging cognitive exercises, at the edge of your ability, in a variety of domains, where it’s obvious how well you’re doing (i.e. clear cut answers, or you’re making a metric go up).
Metacognition. After deciding on the final answer for the exercise and finding out if you got it right, reflect on what you could have done better. Try to extract as much insight/wisdom/tools as you can from each exercise.
Improve your practice feedback loop. Then, find or design better exercises, that cut more closely to your ultimate goals. Optimize exercises both for being concrete (i.e. you can tell if you succeeded), and for extracting as much insight/tools as possible during the metacognition step (i.e. they are a good difficulty in a domain I haven’t already exhausted for insight)
Improve your real-life feedback loop. Think about what sort of cognitive challenges you run into your day-job or main project, where you’re bottlenecked in your ability to reason. How can you do better meta-reflection in those fuzzier, longer-timescale domains?
Illegible goodness. In addition to the formal structure implied by the previous four bullets, also try random stuff that feels vaguely relevant and helpful, even if it you can’t explain why. (I think some previous rationality training approaches leaned too much in this direction, but you still need some illegible goodness IMO)
I think the two biggest concepts here are:
1. Actually do the goddamn practice
2. The feedback loop is the primary product.
This last point is really important so I’m going to say it again in big letters:
The feedback loop is the primary product
In “Feedbackloop-first Rationality Training” you’re trying to get the right answers to concrete questions, yes. And you’re trying to learn from those answers. But more importantly, you’re trying to build an overall better feedback loop for yourself that reliably helps you improve at thinking over time.
Rationality training has some feedback mechanisms, but IMO they kinda suck. They are either short/reliable (but don’t super track the things we ultimately care about), or hella long, in a noisy world where random non-rationality effects often dominate.
So I think, at least for me, it makes sense to think of my primary goal as inventing good, short feedback loops that help me point in the right direction. It seems important both individually, as someone aspiring to learn to think better, and collectively, as someone hoping to contribute to the overall Art of Human Rationality project.
I don’t know that everyone focused on applied rationality should prioritize this, but I do think it’s the most important open problem in the field. I think it’d be worthwhile for everyone working on rationality training to think about this for at least a few days. And, my hope with this post is to excite you and give you some traction on making this a major focus of your rationality-training approach, for awhile, until good feedback loops are no longer the bottleneck.
My starting loop: Thinking Physics
A cognitive feedback loop looks something like this:
I may write a followup post that delves into “what exactly is a feedback loop, really?” if that seems helpful. But I figured I’d start by just laying out what I concretely did, and seeing what questions or concerns people had.
I started out with the goal of getting better at Thinking Physics (a collection of physics puzzles, designed such that you can solve them without much formal math or physics background). This involved three nested feedback loops.
The basic loop here was:
Solve a puzzle. Aim to get the answer right with 95% confidence.
Reflect on how I could have solved it better.
Grade myself partly on whether I got the question right, but primarily on whether I learned new stuff about how to think from it.
Choose a new puzzle to solve (optimizing in part for a challenge that I expect to learn a lot from)
Then, there’s an outer loop of checking:
Am I getting better at solving Thinking Physics puzzles?
Then, a further outer loop of:
Do I seem to be getting better at my day-job? What other exercises do I expect to most help me on the fuzzy real world problems I work on each day?
A good outcome from feedbackloop-first rationality would be to find a better introductory loop than “random-ish Thinking Physics puzzles”. I’m choosing this because it was easily available and I could get started right away, not because I think it’ll ultimately be the best thing.
A Spectrum of “Concreteness”
Much of my prior exposure to rationality training came from observing CFAR and Leverage Research. I have an impression that they both approached cognitive training with a mindset of: “Our actual goals are very messy/nuanced. We want good feedback loops, but we don’t want to goodhart ourselves and lose sight of our real goal. So let’s take our ultimate fuzzy goal, and step backwards towards ‘more concreteness’, until we something tractable enough that we can work on.”
i.e. they started on the right side of this diagram, and took one or two steps to the left.
Leverage’s goal was to solve psychology, as part of a broader plan to effect large social change. In the process, they found it was hard to really know anything about what was going on in people’s heads, so they worked on developing a better methodology of introspection training to get better data.
I think CFAR initially had a goal of “generally train formidable, clear thinking people”, and tracked progress with some combination of “do the participants seem to understand and find value in the workshop?” and “do they go on to do impressive things later?”
I learned a bunch from both orgs. I use a lot of explicit techniques I learned from each of them pretty frequently. But I feel unsatisfied with how their approaches played out, and I decided this time I wanted to start from the opposite direction.
So I started with the goal of “get good at Thinking Physics to prove I can get good at anything at all”. Thinking Physics exercises are towards the left side of the diagram (maybe slot 3). They’re closer to my ultimate goal than, say, “memorizing cognitive biases” or “practicing OpenPhil’s calibration game”, but still many steps away from my day job of “design forum software that helps with intellectual progress or existential risk somehow.”
I figured I’d work upwards, towards fuzzier but still semi-grounded exercises. Maybe I’d do short research projects that lasted ~a week, something like that.
Bridging Concreteness from Both Directions
But along the way, I noticed it felt a lot more promising if I also worked backwards from the fuzzier goals.
This particular came up when talking with people who came to my beta-test workshops, who, unlike me, weren’t necessarily ready to invest months into a speculative training program. (But, liked the idea of putting a few days of work in).
After solving some physics puzzles, it seemed a useful exercise to ask:
“How does this connect back to your day job?”
“What skills transfer or generalize?”
“What specific skills do you wish you were better at for your day-job, and what exercises would help you get better at them?”
“If you can’t design an explicit exercise, can you at least find a way to integrate more meta-reflection into your day job?”
My current guess is that cognitive training works best if you approach from both ends of the concreteness spectrum. This seems better for reaching a state where we have a smooth feedback gradient from “concrete/less-relevant to “highly-relevant but less concrete” (and, ideally pushing the pareto frontier forward – finding exercises that are strictly more relevant and concrete than the current ones available).
And it also seems better for hitting a medium term goal of “develop a workshop or school that helps people more immediately.”
A Sketch of an Expensive Plan
I feel pretty confident in the core hypotheses “actually do the goddamn practice” and “build better feedback loops” being at least pretty useful, and silly not try seriously at least once.
Here is a more speculative plan, to give you some sense of where this is going. I might not stick to this exact plan but it seems like a good starting place.
I’m interested in getting to a place where we can train “research taste in novel domains.”
I’m particularly motivated by alignment research. The state of the field is that there are tons of arguments and counterarguments, but the most respected researchers still disagree deeply about many foundational issues. They disagree about what parts will be hard, and what counts as progress, and in many cases “what does good thinking about this look like?”
A central question is whether something in the future that has never happened before will be really important, and we have to get it right on the first try. A particular disagreement in the field is “how valuable are the quick-ish feedback loops of ‘align or study current ML systems’ to that thing that might-or-might-not-happen in the future?”
Here is a first draft of a fairly expensive plan that seems workable-in-theory, as an “upper level feedback loop to aspire to”.
Find a few different domains that involve difficult-problem-solving, with concrete exercises. They should be as different from each other as possible while satisfying that requirement. Exercises should take at least a couple hours to solve, and possibly up to a couple days.
Have a large group of people attempt to practice problems from each domain, randomizing the order that they each tackle the problems in. (The ideal version of this takes a few months)
While the participants work on each problem, they record predictions about whether their current approach is likely to pan out, or turn out to be a dead end.
As part of each problem, they do meta-reflection on “how to think better”, aiming specifically to extract general insights and intuitions. They check what processes seemed to actually lead to the answer, even when they switch to a new domain they haven’t studied before.
A primary question I’d want to investigate is whether you can gain a clear sense of which of your intuitions transfer between domains, and then see if you can do better-than-average on new domains that you haven’t specifically trained on.
(I might start by having everyone do an IQ test or similar standardized measurement, and again at the end, partly because that just seems generally useful, and partly to allow for some comparisons with other educational literature)
Building a laboratory for rationality training
The overall metric here is “do people who get randomly assigned a problem later in the program do better than people who got assigned that problem earlier in the program.” (And, meanwhile also having some control group that doesn’t do the whole program)
My hope is that the baseline program turns out to be pretty valuable on it’s own (if for no reason other than “~a semester of deliberate practice on novel/confusing problems where you can tell how well you did” reasons), enough that students can come through the program and actively gain something from it… and also, it can make for a good laboratory for aspiring rationality instructors. If you have a technique that you think should help researchers, you can try teaching it to people in this program and see if they do better than baseline.
Reminder: First draft
I don’t think this current plan is necessarily great, or exactly what I’d do next. The point of the “Feedbackloop Rationality” focus is to find better (and cheaper) feedback loops.
My next steps would probably include “do some lit-reviews of education literature” and “try one second domain after Thinking Physics and see how it goes.” But, I list this comprehensive plan give a sense of where this might be going.
What’s next? Questions?
I haven’t decided yet whether I’m continuing on this. It’ll depend on what other projects the Lightcone team is considering and whether they seem more promising or time-sensitive. It’ll also depend on how excited other people are for the project, and whether anyone wants to join in as either a cofounder, or a “serious test subject who puts in full-time effort.”
I have some specific ideas for what to do next, but I think I want to start be asking “Does this make sense? Do you have any questions? Can you think of cheaper ways to test the hypotheses here without spending multiple weeks/months of a bunch of smart people’s time?”
- ^
This is actually one “definitely real” comment combined with another comment I vaguely remember and which he responded positively about when I sort-of-quoted him later in the thread.
- Optimistic Assumptions, Longterm Planning, and “Cope” by Jul 17, 2024, 10:14 PM; 210 points) (
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- Subskills of “Listening to Wisdom” by Dec 9, 2024, 3:01 AM; 155 points) (
- The “Think It Faster” Exercise by Dec 11, 2024, 7:14 PM; 144 points) (
- Rationality Research Report: Towards 10x OODA Looping? by Feb 24, 2024, 9:06 PM; 114 points) (
- Attitudes about Applied Rationality by Feb 3, 2024, 2:42 PM; 108 points) (
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- Interest in Leetcode, but for Rationality? by Oct 16, 2024, 5:54 PM; 74 points) (
- AI Safety is Dropping the Ball on Clown Attacks by Oct 22, 2023, 8:09 PM; 73 points) (
- “Fractal Strategy” workshop report by Apr 6, 2024, 9:26 PM; 68 points) (
- Raemon’s Deliberate (“Purposeful?”) Practice Club by Nov 14, 2023, 6:24 PM; 61 points) (
- Transfer Learning in Humans by Apr 21, 2024, 8:49 PM; 59 points) (
- Interested in Cognitive Bootcamp? by Sep 19, 2024, 10:12 PM; 48 points) (
- Jul 13, 2024, 1:07 AM; 45 points) 's comment on Alignment: “Do what I would have wanted you to do” by (
- Upgrading the AI Safety Community by Dec 16, 2023, 3:34 PM; 42 points) (
- Feedback-loops, Deliberate Practice, and Transfer Learning by Sep 7, 2023, 1:57 AM; 42 points) (
- Jun 6, 2024, 8:28 AM; 21 points) 's comment on The Standard Analogy by (
- Jun 5, 2024, 12:17 PM; 16 points) 's comment on The Standard Analogy by (
- Optimistic Assumptions, Longterm Planning, and “Cope” by Jul 18, 2024, 12:06 AM; 15 points) (EA Forum;
- London rationalish meetup: Feedbackloop-first rationality by Feb 4, 2024, 11:47 PM; 12 points) (
- Revisiting Conway’s Law by Feb 25, 2025, 8:33 AM; 12 points) (
- Jun 2, 2024, 11:06 AM; 11 points) 's comment on What do coherence arguments actually prove about agentic behavior? by (
- What AI Posts Do You Want Distilled? by Aug 25, 2023, 9:01 AM; 9 points) (
- Oct 24, 2024, 8:16 PM; 7 points) 's comment on Reflections on the Metastrategies Workshop by (
- Sep 16, 2023, 1:41 AM; 4 points) 's comment on What’s up with psychonetics? by (
- Dec 5, 2024, 9:52 PM; 4 points) 's comment on Lessons On How To Get Things Right On The First Try by (
- Dec 27, 2024, 1:45 PM; 4 points) 's comment on The Field of AI Alignment: A Postmortem, and What To Do About It by (
- Sep 23, 2024, 11:32 PM; 4 points) 's comment on Bogdan Ionut Cirstea’s Shortform by (
- Aug 28, 2023, 11:20 PM; 2 points) 's comment on Information warfare historically revolved around human conduits by (
- AI Safety is Dropping the Ball on Clown Attacks by Oct 21, 2023, 11:15 PM; -17 points) (EA Forum;
The thing I want most from LessWrong and the Rationality Community writ large is the martial art of rationality. That was the Sequences post that hooked me, that is the thing I personally want to find if it exists. Therefore, posts that are actually trying to build a real art of rationality (or warn of failed approaches) are the kind of thing I’m going to pay attention to, and if they look like they actually might work I’m going to strongly vote for including them in the Best Of LessWrong collection.
Feedbackloop-first Rationality sure looks like an actual attempt at solving the problem. It lays out a strategy, the plan seems like it plausibly might work, and there’s followup workshops that suggest some people are actually willing to spend money on this; that’s not a clear indicator that it works (people spend money on all kinds of things) but it is significantly more than armchair theorizing.
If Raemon keeps working on this and is successful, I expect we’ll see some testable results. If, say, the graduates or regular practitioners turn out to be able to confidently one-shot Thinking Physics style problems while demographically matched people stumble around, that’ll be a Hot Dang Look At That Chart result at least in the toy problems. If they go on to solve novel, real world problems, then that’s a clear suggestion this works.
There’s two branches of followup I’d like to see. One, Raemon’s already been doing; running more workshops teaching this, teasing out useful subskills to teach, and writing up how how to run exercises and what the subskills are. The second is evaluations. If Raemon’s keeping track of students and people who considered going but didn’t, I’d love to see a report on how both sets are doing in a year or two. I’m also tempted to ask on future community censuses whether people have done Feedbackloop-first Rationality workshops ([“Yes under Raemon”, “Yes by other people based on this”, “no”] and then throw a timed Thinking Physics-style problem at them, see if there’s any signal to pick up.
Mostly, I really want people to keep trying things in this genre of finding techniques and trainings to make better decisions. I want them to keep writing up what they’re trying, what works, and what doesn’t. If LessWrong stops having space for that in our Best Of collection, or has nobody in the community trying things like that, then I think something somewhere went badly wrong.
Thank you for your work Raemon!
I followed up on this with a year exploring various rationality exercises and workshops. My plans and details have evolved a bunch since then, but I still think the opening 7 bullets (i.e. “Deliberate Practice, Metacognition” etc, with “actually do the goddamn practice” and “the feedbackloop is the primary product”) are quite important guiding lights.
I’ve written up most of my updates as they happened over the year, in:
Rationality Research Report: Towards 10x OODA Looping?
“Fractal Strategy” workshop report
The Cognitive Bootcamp Agreement
Skills from a year of Purposeful Rationality Practice
The biggest overall updates since this post:
Fluent enough for your day job.
The primary aim of my workshops and practice is to get new skills fluent enough that you can appy them to your day job, because that’s where it’s practical to deliberate practice in a way that pays for itself rather than being an exhausting extra thing you do.
“Fluency at new skill that seem demonstrably useful” is also a large enough effect size that there’s at least something you can measure near term, to get a sense of whether the workshop is working.
Five minute versions of skills.
Relatedly: many skills have elaborate, comprehensive versions that take ~an hour to get the full value of, but you’re realisitically not going to do those most of the time. So it’s important to boil them down into something you can do in 5 minutes (or, 30 seconds).
Morning Orient Prompts.
A thing I’ve find useful for myself, and now think of as one of the primary goal of the workshop to get people to try out, is a “morning orient prompt list” that you do every day.
It’s important that it be every day, even when you don’t need it too much, so that you still have a habit of metacognition for the times you need it (but, when you don’t need it too much, it’s fine/good to do a very quick version of it)
It’s useful to have a list of explicit prompts, because that gives you an artifact that’s easier to iterate on.
What about RCT-style science?
The original post noted an expensive plan that would be “actual science shaped”, which would give a clearer sense of whether rationality training worked. I do still think that’s the right goal to be aspiring to.
It is quite an expensive goal – not just in my effort but in a lot of smart people’s time.
Oddly, the two major objections I frequently get are both “why haven’t you done an RCT?” and “Doing [the real RCT version of this] is too expensive so the plan is bad.”
My actual belief right now is that the most important feedbackloops to be developing are more focused on “how to track if this is helping with your day-job”, because I think that’s what most people’s cruxes actually are (and, should be). RCTs would at best tell you what works on average for People of Some Reference Class, but still don’t actually tell you personally if it’s worthwhile for you.
A lot of my focus right now is helping people who have attended a workshop to integrate the practice into their daily life, and seeing what sort of problems come up there and how to deal with them. (Where my current partial-answers to that are the previous three sections)