Feedbackloop-First Rationality

This in-progress sequence chronicles my journey to create “feedbackloop-driven rationality”.

This includes inventing better quick/​concrete feedback loops for rationality training (which might nonetheless miss some big picture fuzzy value), as well as developing incrementally-better feedback loops for whatever big-picture-fuzzy value you care about.

Example of “concrete”: Thinking Physics puzzles (which test “mapping out confusions” on the timescale of a couple hours)

Example of “big picture but fuzzier”: Developing the skill of making cruxy predictions about the outcomes of your plans, and becoming calibrated on those predictions.

The Journey

The chronolog­i­cal story of my progress in­vent­ing feed­back­loops for “solv­ing con­fus­ing prob­lems.”

Ra­tion­al­ity !== Winning

Feed­back­loop-first Rationality

Ra­tion­al­ity Re­search Re­port: Towards 10x OODA Loop­ing?

“Frac­tal Strat­egy” work­shop report

Fluent, Cruxy Predictions

“Me­tas­trate­gic Brain­storm­ing”, a core build­ing-block skill

Op­ti­mistic As­sump­tions, Longterm Plan­ning, and “Cope”

Skills from a year of Pur­pose­ful Ra­tion­al­ity Practice

Strug­gling like a Shadowmoth

The Cog­ni­tive Boot­camp Agreement

Scaf­fold­ing for “Notic­ing Me­tacog­ni­tion”

C’mon guys, De­liber­ate Prac­tice is Real

2. Exercises

[Question] Ex­er­cise: Solve “Think­ing Physics”

Ex­er­cise: Plan­mak­ing, Sur­prise An­ti­ci­pa­tion, and “Baba is You”

Prompts for Big-Pic­ture Planning

Fore­cast­ing One-Shot Games

OODA your OODA Loop