[POLL] Slutwalk

I recently heard about the upcoming event (or set of events) Slutwalk. I realize that this is somewhat political and may have some mind-killing effects, but my main interest is in the Less Wrong reaction to the idea. From the wikipedia page[1]:

The “Toronto Slut Walk” refers to a protest held on April 3, 2011 in Toronto. Protesters walked from Queen’s Park (Toronto) to the Toronto Police Headquarters located on Central Street [1]. These protesters were dressed in revealing clothing and holding signs in order to reject the belief that female rape victims are “asking for it”[2]. They marched in response to remarks made by a Toronto police officer and judge. Women are also organizing other “slut walks” around Canada and the United States[3][4], including one scheduled for August 20th, 2011 in New York City[5].

Before continuing to read, please answer the poll below as to how you feel about the idea of the “Slutwalk.”

I have many friends who are involved with the Slutwalk and my first impression is that it is a good idea; that framing and terminology, if not a strong part of policy decisions, can have large effects on personal wellbeing. Also that while dressing more modestly may have some effect on sexual assault, having an authority put any onus of a crime on a victim harshly reduces the disincentive for perpetrators.

On the other hand, I have been known to be clueless before in matters of activism, and I recall that Robin Hanson has made cutting remarks about protest being about attracting mates and making a show of identifying with groups, and this certainly seems like it could fit that description to a T. So I am curious what others’ reactions are.

This is a political issue, and we all know politics is the mind-killer, so I would mostly like to see what people think of this idea; specifically whether it is controversial, heavily supported, or heavily disapproved of.

I will attempt to reformat if I can figure out how to work the formatting.

EDIT: Rephrased poll options and removed references to clusters, at popular request.


[1]: http://​​en.wikipedia.org/​​wiki/​​Toronto_Slutwalk