I suggest that the critical indicator of whether you are ready to extract the most insight from the “Feminism and Science” subject is when you are able to explain the evolutionary psychological reasons why there is no male counterpart for the ‘feminist’ movement.
To me, it seems obvious that there hasn’t previously been a male counterpart to the feminism movement because men haven’t been institutionally lower-status the way that women have been. And now that the situation is in some respects reversing, we are seeing the beginnings of an equivalent movement for men, although it isn’t anywhere near as organized yet. Also, because some strands of feminism do work to improve mens’ rights as well as womens’ rights, there’s been less of a need for a separate movement for men.
Bringing evpsych to this seems superfluous to me. What am I missing?
To me, it seems obvious that there hasn’t previously been a male counterpart to the feminism movement because men haven’t been institutionally lower-status the way that women have been.
What does it mean to say that women are “institutionally lower-status” than men, and what is the metric for institutional status? This notion is counter-intuitive to me, because I think there are multiple institutions and multiple dimensions of status. Although I think it’s plausible that men were indeed institutionally higher-status in many cultures throughout history, specifying why is actually a nontrivial philosophical problem that I don’t feel feminists have thoroughly confronted.
For example, in Colombia, institutions may grant males more prestige, yet grant women more protection. Which gender has more “status” depends on whether your metric of status is something like “who is more likely to be in charge of the household,” or “who is more likely to die horrible deaths to chainsaws or machetes.” I’m not sure how we we can aggregate these metrics, considering how dramatically different the units are; it’s kind of like adding up feet and pounds. Do dead men have status?
My preferred definition for status is “the ability to control (or influence) the group”, which as a special case includes the ability to control yourself. Children are in general far more protected than adults, but a lot of that protection comes at the cost of having harsh restrictions on your freedom, so under this definition children would be considered to be low-status. (You could also word this as “status is the amount of optimization power you are allowed to exert”. Hmm. I wonder this would be worth a top-level post.)
Women have historically had a number of restrictions on their ability to control themselves and the broader group. They didn’t always have the right to vote or to spend money without their husband’s permission, and to some degree they persist in having less sexual freedom, a smaller pay than males, be less likely to be found in positions of authority or to be taken seriously when in authoritative positions, be less likely to be found in prestigious occupations, and so on.
My preferred definition for status is “the ability to control (or influence) the group”
Rather, it’s godshatter counterpart of that. You can have status without ability to influence the group, or ability to influence the group without status. The pattern is explanatory, but doesn’t quite work as definition.
Ah, I think you’ve stated what I was trying to more clearly than I did. Its godshatteriness/proxiness is why we need a characterization rather than a definition.
My preferred definition for status is “the ability to control (or influence) the group”,
That is a great measure of status but at as a definition it is just wrong. While strongly correlated these two concepts are not the same. I can think of ways to influence a group while still having low status. And I can think of situations in which it is better to stay low status even though group influence is still desirable.
Examples that are not necessarily practical but which unambiguously demonstrate that the two concepts are different:
Sabotage media sources (which can be either in group or out of group) that do not support whatever policy you prefer.
Poison people.
Plant bombs.
Essentially anything that can kill or influence the behavior of other people without being traceable to you.
Advanced techniques of influence that maximise the desirable alteration of the brain state of others without raising your state. (Optimal use of priming and suggestion, etc.)
Be the example. If five people are littering that encourages other people to do it. If one person is littering and getting visibly punished socially for it that is an extremely strong way to discourage other people from littering. (Has been studied. Reference probably in Cialdini.)
Pay prostitutes. (In general, pay people to do stuff when to do so lowers status.)
Make (apparent) attempts to influence the group. If you do so when you have low status then other people (typically those from the middle of the pack) will take the excuse to crush you and in so doing demonstrate their dominance. This can be used to exploit the influence of others but actually lowers your status.
There are examples that are much less extreme than the above (which means less useful as definitive demonstration). I will say that I routinely sacrifice dominance in order to win. Most people focus more on dominance than winning. This can be exploited. This winning is obviously integrally tied up with influence.
Conclusion: Make a post on the ability to influence the group and perhaps show how it relates (both ways) to status. But definitely do not waste the insights you would be expressing in the post by premising them on a false definition.
It’s also common, if low status people attempt to influence a group, for their ideas to not be heard until the idea is picked up by a higher status person. The low status person never gets credit, but has influenced the group.
I was in a pagan group for a while which met at somewhat irregular times and places. A high status person in the group would call people to tell them about when and where.
I later found out that one of the reasons the group eventually dissolved was that the low status person who’d been reminding the high status person to do the phone calls had moved out of the area.
I don’t know how common that sort of thing is, but it wouldn’t surprise me if it’s an important but almost invisible feature of how things work.
I don’t know how common that sort of thing is, but it wouldn’t surprise me if it’s an important but almost invisible feature of how things work.
I suspect extremely high. Social dominance independent of domain knowledge and competence is common and in a subset of such cases the group still functions.
On reflection, I think your original insight is basically correct, but acquires explanatory capacity only when supplemented with what I’m going to call a theory of conversions.
I’ve actually been aware of “power conversions” for several years (the topic is discussed in Jerry Weinberg’s Becoming a Technical Leader), but I only thought to apply that to that frustratingly elusive “status” notion tonight as I was turning in. (And had to get up to take some notes; so much for a good night’s sleep.) Something went click; the two seem to be a very nice fit, and to make sense of a whole bunch of things that were previously perplexing to me. It has interesting implications, for instance it suggests that “raising your status” is meaningless. It neatly incorporates Vladimir’s observations of “godshatteriness”. I could go on.
Would you be interested in collaborating on a top-level post on this idea? My plan would be to send you a draft of the core ideas and some implications, have you turn a critical eye on it, and if it still stands after that, incorporate your own take on it.
It’s also common, if low status people attempt to influence a group, for their ideas to not be heard until the idea is picked up by a higher status person. The low status person never gets credit, but has influenced the group.
I was in a pagan group for a while which met at somewhat irregular times and places. A high status person in the group would call people to tell them about when and where.
I later found out that one of the reasons the group eventually dissolved was that the low status person who’d been reminding the high status person to do the phone calls had moved out of the area.
I don’t know how common that sort of thing is, but it wouldn’t surprise me if it’s an important but almost invisible feature of how things work.
Is a definition really the appropriate way to handle the concept? I was under the impression that the word “status” refers to some collection of internal variables in the human brain, where by “internal” I mean intermediate, not necessarily corresponding to individual features of the outside world; what might be a called a hanging node if not for the fact our actions depend on it and other people care about it. In such a case, attempting to define it makes no sense, only to describe how it interacts with the rest of the system, as it’s not even meaningful on its own.
A definition for “status” is simply an answer to the question “what do you mean by status”. If we frequently use the word, then we should have some relatively agreed-upon definition for it, or at least give our own definition whenever someone asks. If we everyone means something else when they say “status”, then we’ll never succeed in communicating to others the things we want to communicate to them.
If you say the term “status” refers to some collection of internal variables in the human brain, and then describe how those variables interact with other things, then that’s a definition of status as well.
I would also like to see the top-level post, but there are a couple problems with this definition. First of all, if we’re talking about how much influence people have, it would be clearer to use a word like, say, “influence”. Second, status usually suggests some element of what people think of you, which is related to though not the same as influence. One can be highly influential but poorly-regarded, and vice versa. Note that in this sense status can be multi-dimensional: for instance, people can regard you as a good person to spend time with, but think poorly of your intelligence.
This is a good point, thank you. I have an intuition that while status is the ability to control the group, you can have influence without having status, although you cannot have status without having influence. That points to an flaw in my definition, one which I should resolve somehow before making that post.
I should probably note that I think that there are actually two different terms to which we refer when we say “status”. Status1 (or “influence”) is the ability to control the group, so it’s the one I was talking about above. Status2 is stuff like official titles or other considerations that cause a situation where it’s expected that people grant you Status1. I believe that people liking you would fall under Status2.
Is that true? A few counterexamples come to mind, such as figurehead monarchs and Paris Hilton. Or is the assumption that their status is such that they could ‘control the group’ to some degree if they so chose, even without any formally recognized authority?
I think they do. People often seem to care a lot about how they die. Often they will much prefer the ‘honour’ of beheading by a sword rather than the gallows like a common thief. Even ‘sword’ vs ‘axe’ matters rather a lot. Ordering someone to commit ritual suicide is in some cases a kinder act than having them killed.
The desire for men to keep their status when they die is also rational, not just an outcome of having status seeking mechanisms that aren’t calibrated to care that you’re about to die anyway. The status of a parent, grandparent or in some cases even more distant ancestor significantly influence reproductive potential.
I would buy “there hasn’t previously been a male counterpart to the feminism movement because males as a social class have (almost) never been disenfranchised” as an argument. (Not necessarily a correct one, but a testable one. My possibly flawed assumption, prior to any fact-checking, is that the feminist movement has its roots in the women’s suffrage movement.)
Once more, “status” here seems to only muddy the waters, and invite a definitional argument starting here which goes nowhere close to answering the original query.
If men work very hard to keep women out of male roles (which seems to be the case), and women don’t work especially hard to keep men out of female roles (which also seems to be the case), what do you think is going on?
For many people, their gender is an incredibly important aspect of their identity. One can think of a given subculture as having an ideal performance of masculinity. Men and women both respect that ideal. Certain occupations have been traditionally seen as very good ways of achieving that ideal. If women enter into such an occupation, the occupation is no longer seen as validating mens’ manly virtues.
I oppose sex-discrimination in hiring, but there is no denying that this is a very serious loss for some men. Eventually, norms and ideals evolve in a way which allows men to continue to have their masculinity validated, and/or de-emphasizes gender as a component of one’s identity, but this is a slow process. Moreover, with any change in values, there will always be winners and losers.
I think that’s part of what’s going on, but (if it matters), do you think people just happen to have gender performance as a major part of their identity, or are they trained into it?
Both, I’d guess. While there is a lot of socialization around gender performance, there also seem to be biological factors the predispose people towards gender performance. To the extent that biological factors influence gender expression, I’m not even sure it is correct to say that gender is “socially constructed,” at least not entirely.
For one example, look at the experience of some trans people as experiencing a strong gender identity as long as they remember (just one at odds with their socially assigned gender). I doubt that all of those feelings can be explained by social factors.
I don’t think we should push too hard on the dichotomy of boy vs. man. I would emphasize that there is individual variation in how well men they can perform/achieve masculinity in their sub-culture. Women face the issue as well.
On a related note some psychological theorists suggest that not having a ritual process (with a significant element of ‘trial by ordeal’) to mark the transition from boyhood to manhood fundamentally impairs the psychological maturity of many males in western civilisation. Such ceremonies are nearly ubiquitous across tribal cultures.
I’ve heard it. However, how common are such ceremonies in non-tribal cultures?
Alternate hypothesis: having responsibility delayed for years beyond what’s normal causes lack of psychological maturity. Or, maybe there isn’t less maturity, maybe there’s just more complaining about the lack of it.
Also, I was hoping to hear from from some of the men here about whether they personally feel this need to be definitively accepted as men.
A hypothesis: Men are more aggressive than women, and more apt to defend territory. This doesn’t prove anything about which territory is more valuable.
If men work very hard to keep women out of male roles (which seems to be the case)
Whaaaa? I don’t remember ever doing such a thing. It seems your standards for accepting blanket statements as truth are pretty relaxed. Maybe even to the point where you should readily agree with statements like “Jews control banks and mass media”.
I was thinking specifically about the efforts to keep women out of the military, and complaints from women that other women give too much credit to men for doing child care.
I was thinking specifically about the efforts to keep women out of the military
That one I can see. Bizarre too… as far as I can see every woman who is out getting shot puts me one dead body further away from being conscripted. (Mind you I feel instinctively uncomfortable writing that statement. In many circumstances I would censor myself because I estimate it would lower my sexual attractiveness in the eyes of females.)
nd complaints from women that other women give too much credit to men for doing child care.
Really? There are men that get too much credit for doing child care? What I would expect is women getting criticism from other women for being with a man who is low status (perhaps not in so many words). It is the kind of role that men are encouraged to take on but in most cases penalised socially for submitting to that pressure.
Really? There are men that get too much credit for doing child care? What I would expect is women getting criticism from other women for being with a man who is low status (perhaps not in so many words). It is the kind of role that men are encouraged to take on but in most cases penalised socially for submitting to that pressure.
I’ve seen the complaints.
Men also lose status for being stay-at-home dads, so it’s complicated.
I perhaps have a more cynical outlook on human nature than you. I don’t think low status helps a movement become popular ever. There is always something deeper at play. I recall reading relevant posts on overcomingbias on the topic. Along the lines of “anti-discrimination is never about equality”. But I cannot find a reference. Can anyone help me out?
I can’t find it, but Steve Barnes has said that no political movement is ever for equality, which I take to mean both that political movements aim for an advantage rather than equality and that the leaders of a political movement aren’t looking to be equal with their followers. Neither of these imply that political movements are never trying to address actual injustices.
I don’t think low status helps a movement become popular ever.
Low status might not help, but that’s a different claim from saying that a movement for improving the rights of a lower-status group can’t become popular for other reasons. We’re not talking about a small low-status minority, or even a low-status phase that’s generally thought to be transitory the way childhood or having no sexual experience is. Nor is it something that can be thought of being the person’s own fault, like some people view poverty or alcoholism. We’re talking about group that consists of 50% of the population and needs to implement society-wide changes if they want to improve their position. Feminism has certainly been unpopular among many men, but there were also enough women to make it succeed regardless.
To me, it seems obvious that there hasn’t previously been a male counterpart to the feminism movement because men haven’t been institutionally lower-status the way that women have been. And now that the situation is in some respects reversing, we are seeing the beginnings of an equivalent movement for men, although it isn’t anywhere near as organized yet. Also, because some strands of feminism do work to improve mens’ rights as well as womens’ rights, there’s been less of a need for a separate movement for men.
Bringing evpsych to this seems superfluous to me. What am I missing?
What does it mean to say that women are “institutionally lower-status” than men, and what is the metric for institutional status? This notion is counter-intuitive to me, because I think there are multiple institutions and multiple dimensions of status. Although I think it’s plausible that men were indeed institutionally higher-status in many cultures throughout history, specifying why is actually a nontrivial philosophical problem that I don’t feel feminists have thoroughly confronted.
For example, in Colombia, institutions may grant males more prestige, yet grant women more protection. Which gender has more “status” depends on whether your metric of status is something like “who is more likely to be in charge of the household,” or “who is more likely to die horrible deaths to chainsaws or machetes.” I’m not sure how we we can aggregate these metrics, considering how dramatically different the units are; it’s kind of like adding up feet and pounds. Do dead men have status?
My preferred definition for status is “the ability to control (or influence) the group”, which as a special case includes the ability to control yourself. Children are in general far more protected than adults, but a lot of that protection comes at the cost of having harsh restrictions on your freedom, so under this definition children would be considered to be low-status. (You could also word this as “status is the amount of optimization power you are allowed to exert”. Hmm. I wonder this would be worth a top-level post.)
Women have historically had a number of restrictions on their ability to control themselves and the broader group. They didn’t always have the right to vote or to spend money without their husband’s permission, and to some degree they persist in having less sexual freedom, a smaller pay than males, be less likely to be found in positions of authority or to be taken seriously when in authoritative positions, be less likely to be found in prestigious occupations, and so on.
Rather, it’s godshatter counterpart of that. You can have status without ability to influence the group, or ability to influence the group without status. The pattern is explanatory, but doesn’t quite work as definition.
Ah, I think you’ve stated what I was trying to more clearly than I did. Its godshatteriness/proxiness is why we need a characterization rather than a definition.
Edit: Made less ambiguous.
That is a great measure of status but at as a definition it is just wrong. While strongly correlated these two concepts are not the same. I can think of ways to influence a group while still having low status. And I can think of situations in which it is better to stay low status even though group influence is still desirable.
Examples that are not necessarily practical but which unambiguously demonstrate that the two concepts are different:
Sabotage media sources (which can be either in group or out of group) that do not support whatever policy you prefer.
Poison people.
Plant bombs.
Essentially anything that can kill or influence the behavior of other people without being traceable to you.
Advanced techniques of influence that maximise the desirable alteration of the brain state of others without raising your state. (Optimal use of priming and suggestion, etc.)
Be the example. If five people are littering that encourages other people to do it. If one person is littering and getting visibly punished socially for it that is an extremely strong way to discourage other people from littering. (Has been studied. Reference probably in Cialdini.)
Pay prostitutes. (In general, pay people to do stuff when to do so lowers status.)
Make (apparent) attempts to influence the group. If you do so when you have low status then other people (typically those from the middle of the pack) will take the excuse to crush you and in so doing demonstrate their dominance. This can be used to exploit the influence of others but actually lowers your status.
There are examples that are much less extreme than the above (which means less useful as definitive demonstration). I will say that I routinely sacrifice dominance in order to win. Most people focus more on dominance than winning. This can be exploited. This winning is obviously integrally tied up with influence.
Conclusion: Make a post on the ability to influence the group and perhaps show how it relates (both ways) to status. But definitely do not waste the insights you would be expressing in the post by premising them on a false definition.
It’s also common, if low status people attempt to influence a group, for their ideas to not be heard until the idea is picked up by a higher status person. The low status person never gets credit, but has influenced the group.
I was in a pagan group for a while which met at somewhat irregular times and places. A high status person in the group would call people to tell them about when and where.
I later found out that one of the reasons the group eventually dissolved was that the low status person who’d been reminding the high status person to do the phone calls had moved out of the area.
I don’t know how common that sort of thing is, but it wouldn’t surprise me if it’s an important but almost invisible feature of how things work.
I suspect extremely high. Social dominance independent of domain knowledge and competence is common and in a subset of such cases the group still functions.
Thank you; these are good examples. You and the other commenters are right, my definition was inadequate. I need to think about it some more.
On reflection, I think your original insight is basically correct, but acquires explanatory capacity only when supplemented with what I’m going to call a theory of conversions.
I’ve actually been aware of “power conversions” for several years (the topic is discussed in Jerry Weinberg’s Becoming a Technical Leader), but I only thought to apply that to that frustratingly elusive “status” notion tonight as I was turning in. (And had to get up to take some notes; so much for a good night’s sleep.) Something went click; the two seem to be a very nice fit, and to make sense of a whole bunch of things that were previously perplexing to me. It has interesting implications, for instance it suggests that “raising your status” is meaningless. It neatly incorporates Vladimir’s observations of “godshatteriness”. I could go on.
Would you be interested in collaborating on a top-level post on this idea? My plan would be to send you a draft of the core ideas and some implications, have you turn a critical eye on it, and if it still stands after that, incorporate your own take on it.
I’d love to. :)
It’s also common, if low status people attempt to influence a group, for their ideas to not be heard until the idea is picked up by a higher status person. The low status person never gets credit, but has influenced the group.
I was in a pagan group for a while which met at somewhat irregular times and places. A high status person in the group would call people to tell them about when and where.
I later found out that one of the reasons the group eventually dissolved was that the low status person who’d been reminding the high status person to do the phone calls had moved out of the area.
I don’t know how common that sort of thing is, but it wouldn’t surprise me if it’s an important but almost invisible feature of how things work.
Did Hitler have high status in the concentration camps?
Are you serious? So Robinson Crusoe can actually be high or low status, even without Friday?
I think you’re defining something like “power”, not status.
I’d like to see that top-level post. Your definition of status is the only one I’ve seen on LW that is clear and testable.
Is a definition really the appropriate way to handle the concept? I was under the impression that the word “status” refers to some collection of internal variables in the human brain, where by “internal” I mean intermediate, not necessarily corresponding to individual features of the outside world; what might be a called a hanging node if not for the fact our actions depend on it and other people care about it. In such a case, attempting to define it makes no sense, only to describe how it interacts with the rest of the system, as it’s not even meaningful on its own.
I’m not sure if I understand what you mean.
A definition for “status” is simply an answer to the question “what do you mean by status”. If we frequently use the word, then we should have some relatively agreed-upon definition for it, or at least give our own definition whenever someone asks. If we everyone means something else when they say “status”, then we’ll never succeed in communicating to others the things we want to communicate to them.
If you say the term “status” refers to some collection of internal variables in the human brain, and then describe how those variables interact with other things, then that’s a definition of status as well.
Ah, you are using the word “definition” in a more inclusive way than I am. I would call that a characterization, not a definition.
I would also like to see the top-level post, but there are a couple problems with this definition. First of all, if we’re talking about how much influence people have, it would be clearer to use a word like, say, “influence”. Second, status usually suggests some element of what people think of you, which is related to though not the same as influence. One can be highly influential but poorly-regarded, and vice versa. Note that in this sense status can be multi-dimensional: for instance, people can regard you as a good person to spend time with, but think poorly of your intelligence.
This is a good point, thank you. I have an intuition that while status is the ability to control the group, you can have influence without having status, although you cannot have status without having influence. That points to an flaw in my definition, one which I should resolve somehow before making that post.
I should probably note that I think that there are actually two different terms to which we refer when we say “status”. Status1 (or “influence”) is the ability to control the group, so it’s the one I was talking about above. Status2 is stuff like official titles or other considerations that cause a situation where it’s expected that people grant you Status1. I believe that people liking you would fall under Status2.
See here for a recent mention of an example.
That’s a good example, especially since it’s different from the one I was thinking about. Thanks.
Is that true? A few counterexamples come to mind, such as figurehead monarchs and Paris Hilton. Or is the assumption that their status is such that they could ‘control the group’ to some degree if they so chose, even without any formally recognized authority?
Good point, let me reword: you cannot have status1 without having influence.
(I need to find better names for these. Status1 could be I-Status, for “Influence”. Status2… P-Status for “Position”, maybe.)
I think they do. People often seem to care a lot about how they die. Often they will much prefer the ‘honour’ of beheading by a sword rather than the gallows like a common thief. Even ‘sword’ vs ‘axe’ matters rather a lot. Ordering someone to commit ritual suicide is in some cases a kinder act than having them killed.
The desire for men to keep their status when they die is also rational, not just an outcome of having status seeking mechanisms that aren’t calibrated to care that you’re about to die anyway. The status of a parent, grandparent or in some cases even more distant ancestor significantly influence reproductive potential.
I would buy “there hasn’t previously been a male counterpart to the feminism movement because males as a social class have (almost) never been disenfranchised” as an argument. (Not necessarily a correct one, but a testable one. My possibly flawed assumption, prior to any fact-checking, is that the feminist movement has its roots in the women’s suffrage movement.)
Once more, “status” here seems to only muddy the waters, and invite a definitional argument starting here which goes nowhere close to answering the original query.
(*) Explanatory link for the acronym-impaired
If men work very hard to keep women out of male roles (which seems to be the case), and women don’t work especially hard to keep men out of female roles (which also seems to be the case), what do you think is going on?
For many people, their gender is an incredibly important aspect of their identity. One can think of a given subculture as having an ideal performance of masculinity. Men and women both respect that ideal. Certain occupations have been traditionally seen as very good ways of achieving that ideal. If women enter into such an occupation, the occupation is no longer seen as validating mens’ manly virtues.
I oppose sex-discrimination in hiring, but there is no denying that this is a very serious loss for some men. Eventually, norms and ideals evolve in a way which allows men to continue to have their masculinity validated, and/or de-emphasizes gender as a component of one’s identity, but this is a slow process. Moreover, with any change in values, there will always be winners and losers.
I think that’s part of what’s going on, but (if it matters), do you think people just happen to have gender performance as a major part of their identity, or are they trained into it?
Both, I’d guess. While there is a lot of socialization around gender performance, there also seem to be biological factors the predispose people towards gender performance. To the extent that biological factors influence gender expression, I’m not even sure it is correct to say that gender is “socially constructed,” at least not entirely.
For one example, look at the experience of some trans people as experiencing a strong gender identity as long as they remember (just one at odds with their socially assigned gender). I doubt that all of those feelings can be explained by social factors.
It seems to be common for boys to feel that they have to earn the right to consider themselves men, but I don’t know how universal it is.
I don’t think we should push too hard on the dichotomy of boy vs. man. I would emphasize that there is individual variation in how well men they can perform/achieve masculinity in their sub-culture. Women face the issue as well.
On a related note some psychological theorists suggest that not having a ritual process (with a significant element of ‘trial by ordeal’) to mark the transition from boyhood to manhood fundamentally impairs the psychological maturity of many males in western civilisation. Such ceremonies are nearly ubiquitous across tribal cultures.
I’ve heard it. However, how common are such ceremonies in non-tribal cultures?
Alternate hypothesis: having responsibility delayed for years beyond what’s normal causes lack of psychological maturity. Or, maybe there isn’t less maturity, maybe there’s just more complaining about the lack of it.
Also, I was hoping to hear from from some of the men here about whether they personally feel this need to be definitively accepted as men.
A hypothesis: Men are more aggressive than women, and more apt to defend territory. This doesn’t prove anything about which territory is more valuable.
Whaaaa? I don’t remember ever doing such a thing. It seems your standards for accepting blanket statements as truth are pretty relaxed. Maybe even to the point where you should readily agree with statements like “Jews control banks and mass media”.
Your observations about reality differ to mine. In fact, in some cases the reverse seems to be the case.
I was thinking specifically about the efforts to keep women out of the military, and complaints from women that other women give too much credit to men for doing child care.
What have you got in mind?
That one I can see. Bizarre too… as far as I can see every woman who is out getting shot puts me one dead body further away from being conscripted. (Mind you I feel instinctively uncomfortable writing that statement. In many circumstances I would censor myself because I estimate it would lower my sexual attractiveness in the eyes of females.)
Really? There are men that get too much credit for doing child care? What I would expect is women getting criticism from other women for being with a man who is low status (perhaps not in so many words). It is the kind of role that men are encouraged to take on but in most cases penalised socially for submitting to that pressure.
My own occupation/training (IT).
I’ve seen the complaints.
Men also lose status for being stay-at-home dads, so it’s complicated.
I perhaps have a more cynical outlook on human nature than you. I don’t think low status helps a movement become popular ever. There is always something deeper at play. I recall reading relevant posts on overcomingbias on the topic. Along the lines of “anti-discrimination is never about equality”. But I cannot find a reference. Can anyone help me out?
I can’t find it, but Steve Barnes has said that no political movement is ever for equality, which I take to mean both that political movements aim for an advantage rather than equality and that the leaders of a political movement aren’t looking to be equal with their followers. Neither of these imply that political movements are never trying to address actual injustices.
Were you thinking of “Affirmative Action Isn’t About Uplift”?
Thanks mindviews. That is one of them.
Low status might not help, but that’s a different claim from saying that a movement for improving the rights of a lower-status group can’t become popular for other reasons. We’re not talking about a small low-status minority, or even a low-status phase that’s generally thought to be transitory the way childhood or having no sexual experience is. Nor is it something that can be thought of being the person’s own fault, like some people view poverty or alcoholism. We’re talking about group that consists of 50% of the population and needs to implement society-wide changes if they want to improve their position. Feminism has certainly been unpopular among many men, but there were also enough women to make it succeed regardless.