You know, “moonshot” projects like:
SpaceX’s plan to colonize Mars
SpaceX’s plan to give the whole world fast satellite internet
Tesla’s plan to transition the world to sustainable energy
Boom making commercial supersonic flight a thing again
Let’s make a list!
E.g. does anyone know if China has some huge construction projects that could qualify for this?
Fusion Energy
Future Circular Collider, The 100km particle accelerator
Literally a moonshot, SpaceX’s plan to send people to the moon
China belt and road initiative
Future space stations
NASA lunar outpost
Future gravitational wave detectors
Life extension (seems fit)
Asteroid mining (Not yet any mining projects ongoing, only sample returns)
Human Connectome Project
Nice list thanks! Can we get a sense of which are the biggest and most likely to happen?
hmm, not sure. some are already happening, some are more speculative (e.g fusion energy)
But i would say anything musk plans is likely, i wouldn’t bet against that man :D
About life extension see SENS Research Foundation as an example of specific org very focused on the moonshot, if you don’t already know it.
It’s not quite moonshots, but here’s wikipedia’s list of Megaprojects.
When it comes to more classic architectural infrastructure projects, I’d be shocked if China (and maybe Singapore) don’t have several. But I also expect them to lean towards the incremental-progress-is-visible model where they can. Because when you can, having assessable incremental progress really is almost always the better choice?
Serious New Physics seems to be full of nightmare-to-fund megaprojects. What’s that upcoming telescope that’s going to be able to test if weird extrasolar asteroids like ’Oumuamua passing by Earth are a common or rare event? Somebody’s got to be building a new and more powerful collider, somewhere in the world. Who’s working on fusion reactors? Who’s working on crafting quantum computers?
Thinking of megaprojects & moonshots got me thinking of some information-infrastructure stuff that might or might not count, depending on definition. So I’m going to throw on a list of some tentative and disputable “Information Age Megaprojects” too...
Someone back-of-envelope estimated that Wikipedia was the culmination of 100 mil hours of work in 2008, and assuredly more by today.
While it’s success feels predestined nowadays, when it first outdid formal and privately-funded attempts at online encyclopedias, that was a very surprising outcome to many
If you loosen the restrictions, biology probably has tons of megaprojects. (BLAST, GenBank, PubChem… NIH is funding and maintaining vast databases, and all the infrastructure that makes them navigable. How much work that is probably depends on whether you include or exclude the work it took to extract the data they’re peddling.)
It feels almost-incoherent for me to think of biological projects as “moonshots”? There are interesting and novel things being done constantly (Many of them clever, irreplacable things. Some of them fundamental things! Some of them potentially high-impact!), and yet the term just does not seem to fit. Just about every interesting synthetic biology project nowadays has a “merely” moderately-large to large start-up cost, a measure of incremental progress, and a huge element of chance. Some of those could have huge impacts if they work. Should I call those moonshots? They’re not really big enough for “megaprojects” to fit, cost-wise.
Google (Alphabet? GoogleX?) seems to have a taste for this
Google’s book-scanning project (before it was shut down)
Loon is their internet-access balloon project
The Android Operating System?
The Google search-engine itself?
The Internet Archive?
People building 3D models of entire cities, in games such as Second Life?
Does Bitcoin count?
I suspect not, but I couldn’t really articulate why. If I wanted to argue one way or another with this one, I actually wouldn’t know where to start.
It’s hard to find good English sources on this, but Africa’s great green wall might count
Do you have good sources in some other language? Better to post them than not.
(I am disturbed that all the official-looking links on the French Wikipedia page are broken.)
I found this when I googled for it
QRI wants to simultaneously develop the penicillin of mental health and solve AI alignment.