I might have understood consequentialism overly narrowly (curses of -isms). So for disambiguation: choosement is creating a lot of items, forming a comparison item for each and a picker that is a function of the pool of comparison items only to pick the associated item to continue with and discarding others.
I am not sure whether “choosement” here refers to a specific search algorithm, or search algorithms in general. As mentioned in the post, there are many search algorithms.
I am not sure whether “choosement” here refers to a specific search algorithm, or search algorithms in general. As mentioned in the post, there are many search algorithms.
It is supposed to be a pattern that you can say whether a particular concrete algorithm or class of algoritms has or does not have.
But what pattern exactly?
edit: allowed evaluation to know about context
This is not necessarily part of my definition of consequentialism, since it is a specific search pattern and there are other search patterns.
I am clarifying what I meant in
If there is consequentialism that is not based or use choosement in what you mean that would probably be pretty essential for clarification.
The possibility of alternatives to choosement is discussed here.