You know elementary cellular automata, where each of the boolean-valued cells evolves according to
where .
I think the natural quantum-mechanical extension of this is:
there are basis states: through
its time-evolution is given, of course, by a unitary operator , which, expressed in that basis, is:
...where .
You can take any elementary cellular automaton and quantum-ize it: just choose ; then that product is 1 exactly when is the classical evolution of . (Not every gives rise to a unitary , though; only the reversible ones.)
But… are there other unitary operators of this form, which aren’t basically equivalent to reversible classical CAs? I think not, disappointingly, but I’m not sure, and I don’t understand why not.
Bounty: $100 if you make me feel like I have a significantly deeper understanding of why all quantum elementary CAs are basically equivalent to classical elementary CAs (or show me I’m wrong and there actually is interesting behavior here). Partial payouts for partial successes.
My current understanding (the thing you have to enhance or beat) is:
Any choice of is equivalent to a choice of eight complex two-vectors , each describing roughly “how (0/1)ish the next state of a cell should be given its current neighborhood.”
For unitarity, we want for all . If you bang through some math, I think this inner product turns out to equal the product of all 64 possible inner products of the s, raised to various powers:
...where is the number of locations where the neighborhood on tape is 000 and the neighborhood on tape is 111. For , we want this product to be 1; for , we want this product to be 0, meaning at least one of the inner products with a nonzero must be zero.
(Sanity check: if , then and all the other s are 0. The inner products raised to power 0 disappear; the remaining ones are , which is 1 as long as the s are normalized, so we get practically for free. Great.)
(Note that not all the s can be chosen independently: for example, if , then evidently tape has some stretch of 0s ending in a 1; I’m imagining that the tape wraps around, so there must be a 1 on the left side of the stretch of 0s too; so some must be positive too.)
It feels like there must be some clever geometrical insight, here, but I can’t find it. Instead, I just enumerated all possible for a small (4-cell) automaton, computed which s were nonzero, and asked Z3 to find s satisfying the huge pile of constraints (the AND of a bunch of ORs of clauses like “A dot B is zero”) and “some is not parallel to or ”. (I think that if there are just two mutually-perpendicular families of , that’s basically equivalent to a classical CA.)
It… well, it didn’t print “unsat,” but it did hang, whereas, if I left out the interestingness constraint, it promptly spit out a satisfactory output. Shrug. This is my first time with Z3, so it might be a newbie mistake.
There are many articles on quantum cellular automata. See for example “A review of Quantum Cellular Automata”, or “Quantum Cellular Automata, Tensor Networks, and Area Laws”.
I think compared to the literature you’re using an overly restrictive and nonstandard definition of quantum cellular automata. Specifically, it only makes sense to me to write U as a product of operators like you have if all of the terms are on spatially disjoint regions.
Consider defining quantum cellular automata instead as local quantum circuits composed of identical two-site unitary operators everywhere:
If you define them like this, then basically any kind of energy and momentum conserving local quantum dynamics can be discretized into a quantum cellular automata, because any two-site time and space independent quantum Hamiltonian can be decomposed into steps with identical unitaries like this using the Suzuki-Trotter decomposition.
That makes sense! I’m searching for the simplest cellular-automaton-like thing that’s still interesting to study. I may have gone too far in the “simple” direction; but I’d like to understand why this highly-restricted subset of QCAs is too simple.
Hmm! That’s not obvious to me; if there’s some general insight like “no operator containing two ~‘partially overlapping’ terms like ⋯⊗|x⟩(⟨x|+⟨y|)⊗|y⟩(⟨y|+⟨z|)⊗⋯ can be unitary,” I’d happily pay for that!
I think you’re looking for the irreducible representations of ˜Iso(n,1) (edit: for 1D, ˜Iso(1,1)). I’ll come back and explain this later, but it’s going to take awhile to write up.
I’ve never been familiar enough with group-theory stuff to memorize the names (which, warning, also might mean that it will take you a lot of time to write a sufficiently-dumbed-down version), but the internet suggests ~Iso(n,1) is related to… the Minkowski metric? I would be flabbergasted to learn that something so specific-to-our-universe was relevant to this toy mathematical contraption.
I wrote up my explanation as its own post here:
I thank you for your effort! I am currently missing a lot of the mathematical background necessary to make that post make sense, but I will revisit it if I find myself with the motivation to learn!
I think the basic reason that it’s hard to make an interesting QCA using this definition is that it’s hard to make a reversible CA. Reversible cellular automata are typically made using block-partitioning or a second-order method. The (classical) laws of physics also seem to have a flavor more similar to these than a GoL-style CA, in that they have independent position and velocity coordinates which each determine the time evolution of the other.