Feel free to make simplifying assumptions or give partial answers (ex.: just links for some of the raw data).
Raw data needed for this calculation:
dividends given by each public companies (or at least the biggest ones)
historical value of each public companies (or at least the biggest ones)
historical value of a total market index fund (failing that, top 3000, or top 500 companies)
Can be restricted to the US.
Reminds me of the exercises by abstractapplic.
What was it?
Usually posts with: “D&D.Sci” in the title.
[Question] If instead of giving out dividends, public companies bought total market index funds, which companies would be the biggest?
Feel free to make simplifying assumptions or give partial answers (ex.: just links for some of the raw data).
Raw data needed for this calculation:
dividends given by each public companies (or at least the biggest ones)
historical value of each public companies (or at least the biggest ones)
historical value of a total market index fund (failing that, top 3000, or top 500 companies)
Can be restricted to the US.
Reminds me of the exercises by abstractapplic.
What was it?
Usually posts with: “D&D.Sci” in the title.