I have a hard time believing that a policy that led to some issue only being discussed in emotionally charged terms would be a net good for society.
But you’re also a white man and have an obvious lack of experience in this situation that functions as an unknown unknown. You’d be wise to be conservative in your conclusions.
As a white man myself, I feel it’s entirely reasonable to refuse to dispassionately discuss the matter of a boot on one’s own face. There are some situations in which case it is entirely appropriate to react with the deepest of passions.
If the iron approaches your face, and you believe it is cool, and it is hot, the Way opposes your calm.
As a white man (according to your own beliefs) you can’t understand how women or non-whites feel, so please stop appropriating their cause and speaking for them.
There are people on LW who aren’t white or male, so (according to your own beliefs) you should let them talk, instead of talking from your ignorant position of white male privilege about what you think is better for them. That’s mansplaining, right?
This is a hot iron approaching my face. YOU ARE TELLING ME MY THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS ARE ILLEGITIMATE. That is literally the first step to dehumanizing and murdering me. I can either follow your advice and tell you to fuck off, or I can try to address this disagreement in a reasonable way. Which do you think will go better for me? Which do you think will go better for you? I for one don’t think the adversarial approach of many feminist and pro queer writers is sane. You really should not declare the people you think are extremely powerful and controlling the world to be your sworn enemies. Feminism literally cannot win any victories without the consent of men.
I’ve got a lot of sympathy for your situation—I spent a lot of time freaking out about the complex emotional abuse that anti-racists/certain kinds of feminists go in for.
Still, I found it useful to learn something about assessing the current risk level of an attack just so I don’t go crazy—they’ve spread a lot of misery and they may eventually be politically dangerous, but they aren’t imposing the sort of immediate visceral threat you’re reacting to.
We haven’t begun to see the next stage of the fight (or at least, I haven’t seen anything I’d call effective opposition to the emotional abuse), but I recommend steadying yourself as much as possible.
Sometimes this is the case. Once you’ve realized this, try not to let it bother you too much. What’s true is already so; denying it doesn’t make it go away, and shouting on the Internet won’t make it go away either.
That is literally the first step to dehumanizing and murdering me.
If you’re worried about this, you’re either a totally normal oppressed persyn, or a paranoid white dude.
If you’re a white dude, you should stop appropriating very real fears that plenty of people face on a daily basis. That’s just bad taste.
I for one don’t think the adversarial approach of many feminist and pro queer writers is sane.
Assuming you’re a white dude, it’s really not your place to tell feminists or queer activists how to do what they do.
Do you see how your privilege has you assuming that you 1. know best and 2. should tell other people how to exist? Not to mention the fact you apparently think men are somehow necessary for feminist collective action.
But you’re also a white man and have an obvious lack of experience in this situation that functions as an unknown unknown. You’d be wise to be conservative in your conclusions.
As a white man myself, I feel it’s entirely reasonable to refuse to dispassionately discuss the matter of a boot on one’s own face. There are some situations in which case it is entirely appropriate to react with the deepest of passions.
As a white man (according to your own beliefs) you can’t understand how women or non-whites feel, so please stop appropriating their cause and speaking for them.
There are people on LW who aren’t white or male, so (according to your own beliefs) you should let them talk, instead of talking from your ignorant position of white male privilege about what you think is better for them. That’s mansplaining, right?
This is a hot iron approaching my face. YOU ARE TELLING ME MY THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS ARE ILLEGITIMATE. That is literally the first step to dehumanizing and murdering me. I can either follow your advice and tell you to fuck off, or I can try to address this disagreement in a reasonable way. Which do you think will go better for me? Which do you think will go better for you? I for one don’t think the adversarial approach of many feminist and pro queer writers is sane. You really should not declare the people you think are extremely powerful and controlling the world to be your sworn enemies. Feminism literally cannot win any victories without the consent of men.
I’ve got a lot of sympathy for your situation—I spent a lot of time freaking out about the complex emotional abuse that anti-racists/certain kinds of feminists go in for.
Still, I found it useful to learn something about assessing the current risk level of an attack just so I don’t go crazy—they’ve spread a lot of misery and they may eventually be politically dangerous, but they aren’t imposing the sort of immediate visceral threat you’re reacting to.
We haven’t begun to see the next stage of the fight (or at least, I haven’t seen anything I’d call effective opposition to the emotional abuse), but I recommend steadying yourself as much as possible.
Sometimes this is the case. Once you’ve realized this, try not to let it bother you too much. What’s true is already so; denying it doesn’t make it go away, and shouting on the Internet won’t make it go away either.
If you’re worried about this, you’re either a totally normal oppressed persyn, or a paranoid white dude.
If you’re a white dude, you should stop appropriating very real fears that plenty of people face on a daily basis. That’s just bad taste.
Assuming you’re a white dude, it’s really not your place to tell feminists or queer activists how to do what they do.
Do you see how your privilege has you assuming that you 1. know best and 2. should tell other people how to exist? Not to mention the fact you apparently think men are somehow necessary for feminist collective action.