I’ve got a lot of sympathy for your situation—I spent a lot of time freaking out about the complex emotional abuse that anti-racists/certain kinds of feminists go in for.
Still, I found it useful to learn something about assessing the current risk level of an attack just so I don’t go crazy—they’ve spread a lot of misery and they may eventually be politically dangerous, but they aren’t imposing the sort of immediate visceral threat you’re reacting to.
We haven’t begun to see the next stage of the fight (or at least, I haven’t seen anything I’d call effective opposition to the emotional abuse), but I recommend steadying yourself as much as possible.
I’ve got a lot of sympathy for your situation—I spent a lot of time freaking out about the complex emotional abuse that anti-racists/certain kinds of feminists go in for.
Still, I found it useful to learn something about assessing the current risk level of an attack just so I don’t go crazy—they’ve spread a lot of misery and they may eventually be politically dangerous, but they aren’t imposing the sort of immediate visceral threat you’re reacting to.
We haven’t begun to see the next stage of the fight (or at least, I haven’t seen anything I’d call effective opposition to the emotional abuse), but I recommend steadying yourself as much as possible.