Sometimes this is the case. Once you’ve realized this, try not to let it bother you too much. What’s true is already so; denying it doesn’t make it go away, and shouting on the Internet won’t make it go away either.
That is literally the first step to dehumanizing and murdering me.
If you’re worried about this, you’re either a totally normal oppressed persyn, or a paranoid white dude.
If you’re a white dude, you should stop appropriating very real fears that plenty of people face on a daily basis. That’s just bad taste.
I for one don’t think the adversarial approach of many feminist and pro queer writers is sane.
Assuming you’re a white dude, it’s really not your place to tell feminists or queer activists how to do what they do.
Do you see how your privilege has you assuming that you 1. know best and 2. should tell other people how to exist? Not to mention the fact you apparently think men are somehow necessary for feminist collective action.
Sometimes this is the case. Once you’ve realized this, try not to let it bother you too much. What’s true is already so; denying it doesn’t make it go away, and shouting on the Internet won’t make it go away either.
If you’re worried about this, you’re either a totally normal oppressed persyn, or a paranoid white dude.
If you’re a white dude, you should stop appropriating very real fears that plenty of people face on a daily basis. That’s just bad taste.
Assuming you’re a white dude, it’s really not your place to tell feminists or queer activists how to do what they do.
Do you see how your privilege has you assuming that you 1. know best and 2. should tell other people how to exist? Not to mention the fact you apparently think men are somehow necessary for feminist collective action.