Folks should be cautioned that SCP entries may be more upsetting or triggering than typical horror-sf.
There’s a lot of body horror, some disturbing images (although they tend to avoid animated “shockers”), plenty of violence, occasional mindfuckery, and at least one pretty damn disturbing implied rape/torture scenario.
I read a couple of these last night (I’ve read others long ago), not particularly scary ones − 427 and 682… and then dreamt I read more, including one that did have a “shocker” animation (after which I remember cursing you for suggesting they were rare!), and then one with a high-res gif/video of a complex artifact I can remember the vague form of—somewhat like a grey bowling-pin with brightly colored shapes rotating along its axis—abstract, but almost clownish and mundane, but still creeped me out in-dream far more than any actual article.
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Here are some SCP’s to get you started!
Folks should be cautioned that SCP entries may be more upsetting or triggering than typical horror-sf.
There’s a lot of body horror, some disturbing images (although they tend to avoid animated “shockers”), plenty of violence, occasional mindfuckery, and at least one pretty damn disturbing implied rape/torture scenario.
I read a couple of these last night (I’ve read others long ago), not particularly scary ones − 427 and 682… and then dreamt I read more, including one that did have a “shocker” animation (after which I remember cursing you for suggesting they were rare!), and then one with a high-res gif/video of a complex artifact I can remember the vague form of—somewhat like a grey bowling-pin with brightly colored shapes rotating along its axis—abstract, but almost clownish and mundane, but still creeped me out in-dream far more than any actual article.
The page What Has Experimental Philosophy Discovered about Expert Intuitions? on the Experimental Philosophy blog has been updated. It contains several links to papers on the area.
The Logic Matters blog has three posts on the topic “Does mathematics need a philosophy?”
Part One, Part Two, Part Three.