I’m not quite sure how they work, but the last 4 characters seem to give the index of the last comment on the page before (i.e. later than) the one it shows you (in base 36 or something), so you can try binary searching through these.
I think the link I gave is your earliest comments.
where the last four characters denote the number of the last comment on the previous page (in like base 36 or something). So with a bit of effort you can binary search your way through these.
There doesn’t appear to be an option to sort by earliest/newest. The only method I can think of is going to the list of last comments, scrolling all the way down, and clicking Next until you get to the earliest comments.
Is there a quick way to quickly go to the last comment page of a user? (Myself in this case.)
You could try simply loading all your comments: http://www.ibiblio.org/weidai/lesswrong_user.php?u=falenas108
Add ?before=t_1 to the URL: you. If you want to page forward from there also add &count=100000: you.
The comments pages of a user have urls of the form
I’m not quite sure how they work, but the last 4 characters seem to give the index of the last comment on the page before (i.e. later than) the one it shows you (in base 36 or something), so you can try binary searching through these.
I think the link I gave is your earliest comments.
The comments pages of a user have urls like
where the last four characters denote the number of the last comment on the previous page (in like base 36 or something). So with a bit of effort you can binary search your way through these.
Click on your username.
Sorry, by last comment I meant first comment. (As in, first ever posted to this site.) Whoops!
There doesn’t appear to be an option to sort by earliest/newest. The only method I can think of is going to the list of last comments, scrolling all the way down, and clicking Next until you get to the earliest comments.