Minor typo at the end of 78, repeated at the beginning of 79:
The Aurors swept toward him with swift strides, Auror Goryanof approaching from the other side of the Ravenclaw as though to block any escape...
Actual speculation: what did Dumbledore know or suspect when he hired Quirrell?
“If you consult Headmaster Dumbledore,” said the Defense Professor, “you will find that he is well aware of this matter, and that I agreed to teach his Defense class on the explicit condition that no inquiry be made into my—”
What exactly was Dumbledore aware of? Merely that ‘Quirrell’ may have travelled without a visa (I guess this is illegal), or that he was an impostor? If the latter, why would Dumbledore hire him?
But if Dumbledore wasn’t aware that Quirrell is an impostor, then Quirrell has made at least one foolish slip. During the interrogation, Scrimgeour says
“Born the 26th of September, 1955, to Quondia Quirrell, of an acknowledged tryst with Lirinus Lumblung...” intoned the Auror. “Sorted into Ravenclaw…
But way back in Chapter 16, Quirrell says
Yes, I was in Slytherin and I am offering to formulate a cunning plot on your behalf, if that is what it takes to accomplish your desire.
My reading of the visa thing was that the Auror made it up on the spot to confirm that Quirrell had no idea of what trips he had taken in the past, and is therefore an impostor. Although I don’t understand why Quirrell, if impersonating someone, would fail to look up these simple facts.
Quirrell is smart, but he’s not omnipotent. He’s had so many lives, he doesn’t even consider any of them to be his true persona.
Quirrell is mentally disciplined, but it’s possible that he could have simply forgotten or gotten facts mixed up, trying to hold so many personas in his head at one time.
I believe Dumbledore would have been a professor of the real Quirrell, so he must know it’s an imposter he’s hired. I suspect Quirrell fed him some convincing lie or another about his true identity.
Because Q is someone very good at what he is about to teach who does not want to have his identity public. Dumblodore wants a decent teacher—as has been pointed out many times—and is willing to put up with a lot to get him.
Now weather Dumbledore knows the true identity of Q is a different question.
The magical world is a small world, Hogwarts is a small school, at least some parents of current Hogwarts students would have remembered that Quirrell was in Ravenclaw not Slytherin. I’m guessing this is an inadvertent mistake by Eliezer.
Minor typo at the end of 78, repeated at the beginning of 79:
Actual speculation: what did Dumbledore know or suspect when he hired Quirrell?
What exactly was Dumbledore aware of? Merely that ‘Quirrell’ may have travelled without a visa (I guess this is illegal), or that he was an impostor? If the latter, why would Dumbledore hire him?
But if Dumbledore wasn’t aware that Quirrell is an impostor, then Quirrell has made at least one foolish slip. During the interrogation, Scrimgeour says
But way back in Chapter 16, Quirrell says
My reading of the visa thing was that the Auror made it up on the spot to confirm that Quirrell had no idea of what trips he had taken in the past, and is therefore an impostor. Although I don’t understand why Quirrell, if impersonating someone, would fail to look up these simple facts.
Quirrell is smart, but he’s not omnipotent. He’s had so many lives, he doesn’t even consider any of them to be his true persona.
Quirrell is mentally disciplined, but it’s possible that he could have simply forgotten or gotten facts mixed up, trying to hold so many personas in his head at one time.
I believe Dumbledore would have been a professor of the real Quirrell, so he must know it’s an imposter he’s hired. I suspect Quirrell fed him some convincing lie or another about his true identity.
Because Q is someone very good at what he is about to teach who does not want to have his identity public. Dumblodore wants a decent teacher—as has been pointed out many times—and is willing to put up with a lot to get him. Now weather Dumbledore knows the true identity of Q is a different question.
The magical world is a small world, Hogwarts is a small school, at least some parents of current Hogwarts students would have remembered that Quirrell was in Ravenclaw not Slytherin. I’m guessing this is an inadvertent mistake by Eliezer.
I brought the same thing up here.
I doubt Eliezer would forget that the major spokesperson of Slytherin in his fic is… well, Slytherin.
There’s something else going on here.