Currently Buying AdWords for LessWrong

So I’m trying to build more rationalists. To do this, I’ve invested a few hundred dollars of my own money to promote Less Wrong by buying low-cost AdWords on Google for different LW pages. I want to reach smart people with a really good article from Less Wrong that answers their question and draws them into our community so that the site’s content can help improve their rationality. Based on buying AdWords before, I’d estimate that only 0.5-1% of people who click through to Less Wrong will actually get involved after reading an article, but since clicks only cost ~$0.04, that means it only costs me ~$6 to build a new rationalist and drastically improve someone’s life. Seems like an excellent return on investment.

But to get a strong 1% conversion rate and really make an impact, I need to identify REALLY EXCELLENT Less Wrong content. Right now I’m experimenting by buying a lot of keywords related to quantum mechanics and sending people to http://​​​​lw/​​r8/​​and_the_winner_is_manyworlds/​​

My hope is that this page is useful and memorable enough that some small % of readers stick around and click through to other pages. My guess is that this isn’t the ideal page to do this with but it’s aiming in the right direction.

What page would you would want a new Less Wrong reader to find first? What answers a specific question they might have in such an impressive way that they would want to learn more about our community (perhaps many different pages for many different questions)?? Which articles are most memorable? Just looking at “Top” didn’t yield any obvious choices… I felt like most of those articles were too META-META-META … you’d need too much back knowledge for many of them. An ideally article would be more or less “stand-alone” so that any relatively intelligent person who doesn’t have the whole LW corpus in their head already could just jump in and understand it immediately… and then branch out and explore LW from there.

So what do you think? Give me links to any landing pages you think would be worth promoting this way. You can write rough mini-ads as suggestions too if you’d like to be even more helpful. I’m looking forward to hearing your suggestions!