I wrote an academic-style paper once, as part of my job as an intern in a corporate research department. It soured me on the whole endeavor, as I really didn’t enjoy the process (writing in the academic style, the submission process, someone insisting that I retract the submission to give them more credit despite my promise to insert the credit before publication), and then it was rejected with two anonymous comments indicating that both reviewers seemed to have totally failed to understand the paper and giving me no chance to try to communicate with them to understand what caused the difficulty. The cherry on top was my mentor/boss indicating that this is totally normal, and I was supposed to just ignore the comments and keep resubmitting the paper to other venues until I run out of venues.
My internship ended around that point and I decided to just post my ideas to mailing lists / discussion forums / my home page in the future.
Also, I think MIRI got FDT published in some academic philosophy journal, and AFAIK nothing came of it?
There is some similarity between UDASSA and ’Law without law” by Mueller, as both use Kolmogorov complexity to predict the distribution of observers. In LwL there is not any underlying reality except numbers, so it is just dust theory over random number fields.
I wrote an academic-style paper once, as part of my job as an intern in a corporate research department. It soured me on the whole endeavor, as I really didn’t enjoy the process (writing in the academic style, the submission process, someone insisting that I retract the submission to give them more credit despite my promise to insert the credit before publication), and then it was rejected with two anonymous comments indicating that both reviewers seemed to have totally failed to understand the paper and giving me no chance to try to communicate with them to understand what caused the difficulty. The cherry on top was my mentor/boss indicating that this is totally normal, and I was supposed to just ignore the comments and keep resubmitting the paper to other venues until I run out of venues.
My internship ended around that point and I decided to just post my ideas to mailing lists / discussion forums / my home page in the future.
Also, I think MIRI got FDT published in some academic philosophy journal, and AFAIK nothing came of it?
FDT paper got 29 citation, but many from MIRI affiliated people and-or on AI safety. https://scholar.google.ru/scholar?cites=13330960403294254854&as_sdt=2005&sciodt=0,5&hl=ru
One can escape troubles with reviewers by publishing in arxiv or other paper archives (philpapers). Google Scholar treats them as normal articles.
But in fact there are good journals with actually helping reviewers (e.g. Futures).
I don’t think FDT got published—as far as I can tell it’s just on arXiv.
I was referring to Cheating Death In Damascus which talks about FDT in Section 4.
There is some similarity between UDASSA and ’Law without law” by Mueller, as both use Kolmogorov complexity to predict the distribution of observers. In LwL there is not any underlying reality except numbers, so it is just dust theory over random number fields.