FDT paper got 29 citation, but many from MIRI affiliated people and-or on AI safety. https://scholar.google.ru/scholar?cites=13330960403294254854&as_sdt=2005&sciodt=0,5&hl=ru
One can escape troubles with reviewers by publishing in arxiv or other paper archives (philpapers). Google Scholar treats them as normal articles.
But in fact there are good journals with actually helping reviewers (e.g. Futures).
FDT paper got 29 citation, but many from MIRI affiliated people and-or on AI safety. https://scholar.google.ru/scholar?cites=13330960403294254854&as_sdt=2005&sciodt=0,5&hl=ru
One can escape troubles with reviewers by publishing in arxiv or other paper archives (philpapers). Google Scholar treats them as normal articles.
But in fact there are good journals with actually helping reviewers (e.g. Futures).