I’m sorry I didn’t see that earlier; I donated $30 to the SIAI yesterday, and I probably could have waited a little while longer and donated $60 all at once. If this offer will still be open in a month or two, I will take you up on it.
I’d also like these donations to be authenticated, but I’m willing to wait if necessary. Here’s step 2, including the new “ETA” part, from my original comment:
In your donation’s “Public Comment” field, include both a link to your reply to this thread and a note asking for a Singularity Institute employee to kindly follow that link and post a response saying that you donated. ETA: Step 2 didn’t work for me, so I don’t expect it to work for you. For now, I’ll just believe you if you say you’ve donated. If you would be convinced to donate by seeing evidence that I’m not lying, let me know and I’ll get you some.
Would you be willing to match my third $60 if I could give you better evidence that I actually matched the first two? If so, I’ll try to get some.
This is a mostly-shameless plug for the small donation matching scheme I proposed in May:
I’m still looking for three people to cross the “membrane that separates procrastinators and helpers” by donating $60 to the Singularity Institute. If you’re interested, see my original comment. I will match your donation.
Done, 60 USD sent.
Thank you! Matched.
I’m sorry I didn’t see that earlier; I donated $30 to the SIAI yesterday, and I probably could have waited a little while longer and donated $60 all at once. If this offer will still be open in a month or two, I will take you up on it.
That sounds good, and feel free to count your first $30 towards a later $60 total if I haven’t found a third person by then.
Without any way of authenticating the donations, I find this to be rather silly.
I’d also like these donations to be authenticated, but I’m willing to wait if necessary. Here’s step 2, including the new “ETA” part, from my original comment:
Would you be willing to match my third $60 if I could give you better evidence that I actually matched the first two? If so, I’ll try to get some.