I’ve also read it several times before that physicists and scientists tend to achieve their best results by their mid-thirties. But I don’t think the characterization necessarily works for physics/math/etc. like it does for baseball and athletics. There’s just a major qualitative difference there—e.g., athletes are forced to retire fairly young, whereas teachers are very rarely forced to retire until they are really nearing the end of their viable lifespan. Although I do agree that in something like physics, there is also a component of “mental athleticism”, which just naturally peaks at a medium or youthful age.
Also, for a lot of subjects like physics or math, you probably won’t be able to have a decent mastery of your work until around, say, age 25-35. So the simple fact of the matter is that you will always be past your peak for the majority of your practicing career. It’s a bit sad, but again, I think it just shows that the concept of “peaking” may not be really as broadly applicable for academic areas.
It’s an interesting idea but I feel very skeptical about the generic plan. Personally, a revulsion for organized/standardized education is what drove me to look at things like Less Wrong in the first place. I think this is fairly common in the community, with many people interested in discussion of akrasia and self-work habits.
Also, considering the informality of ideas like “I want to be a good rationalist”, I would expect this sort of thing to be much more open-ended and unstructured anyways. It doesn’t seem to fit with the idea of a rigid system or a “boot-camp”. It just seems contrary to the idea of rationality and free thinking.
I am also somewhat bemused by the character of the “application”, where apparently qualification relates to reading of the sequences and SIAI in-house literature. I mean the level of self-masturbation is quite remarkable, not to be too cynical, but it seems to be setting the bar fairly low when you’re treating a subject that has been actively discussed for thousands of years.
On the other hand I’m sure this is well intentioned and you have to start somewhere, so I apologize if my remarks seem overly caustic.