Podcast: “How the Smart Money teaches trading with Ricki Heicklen” (Patrick McKenzie interviewing)

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In Patrick’s words, above the fold:

Some years ago, I built a trading simulation for a startup I was running, Starfighter. It was, at the time, by far the most impressive technical artifact I’d ever made, including a scratch-built fake stock exchange. I recently ran into Rick Heicklen, who has a business teaching trading, and said we should swap notes on comparative pedagogical game design.

Trading doesn’t have a vast body of useful information targeted at people of various skill levels. There is a vast amount of fanfic. Actual practitioners work at a relatively small number of firms and are extremely disincentivized from explaining how the world really works to outsiders. Ricki and I talk about some of the lessons people learn early in their trading careers, how those correspond to market microstructure which impacts everything tied to the financial markets, and the security mindset. There are also some (perhaps surprisingly) portable lessons from trading to many other complex systems.

The link has 1.7hr of audio and 23k words of transcript. Patrick is on Twitter, writes his newsletter, and has written on the EA Forum; Ricki is iiuc Lightcone staff, and writes on LessWrong, Twitter, and her own blog.