I think of the above as mind design space, whereas mindspace is the configuration space of a single mind. A movement in mind design space corresponds to some structural mind change (think human to posthuman) while a movement in mindspace corresponds to an evolution of mental state. Like changing computer programs vs changing the state of the computation. I’m not sure that these should be separate concepts though.
Mea culpa!
No worries! The Bayesian Buddhists are egoless optimization processes.
I’m not sure that these should be separate concepts though.
They probably should be, I left out the distinction on accident. I changed it, though I think the reference to mind design space is egregious, so I might revert that.
No worries! The Bayesian Buddhists are egoless optimization processes.
V pna srry gur ehzoyvatf bs gur sbhaqvat bs gur Ohqquvfg Pbafcvenpl gb pbzr. Ohg pbafcvenpvrf nera’g irel Ohqquvfg. Creuncf bhe grnpuvatf funyy or uvqqra ol gurve ryrtnag pbzcyrkvgl naq abg ol frysvfu juvfcref. Jung vqragvgl funyy jr tb ol, gura? Gur Onlrfnatn? (Eliminating the ‘h’ and second ‘s’ for aesthetic purposes. I think it reads nice.)
But really, are you going to talk about mindspace and the like in your meditation post? I would feel more comfortable if you’d introduced the concepts first, since you pioneered them.
But really, are you going to talk about mindspace and the like in your meditation post?
Yeah. I think it’ll help people understand how to meditate and provide a crude model of how the benefits are achieved. The post is taking longer than I anticipated because I keep discovering confusions I want to clear up or things I want to add or new ways to frame everything. I don’t mind you publishing your magnum opus first if I’m taking too long.
I don’t mind you publishing your magnum opus first if I’m taking too long.
Upon reflection and 16 hours of sleep, I added this to the top of the article:
Ignore this. After getting some much needed sleep I decided that the first half of this post, though necessary if I am to write the second half, isn’t justified in being so complicated unless I actually use the added complications in solving the problems posed. First, I will use empiricism to see if this model is helpful in finding and verifying methods of attack on the problem of crafting a rationalist identity. If so, I will go back and try to simplify what I have here and make sure all parts are necessary to understand the solutions found.
So I think it will be awhile before I do anything with this post, if indeed I do.
Added in mindspace and gave you some of the credit you deserve, considering I pretty much stole your ideas. Mea culpa!
Hm, thats not how I meant it.
I think of the above as mind design space, whereas mindspace is the configuration space of a single mind. A movement in mind design space corresponds to some structural mind change (think human to posthuman) while a movement in mindspace corresponds to an evolution of mental state. Like changing computer programs vs changing the state of the computation. I’m not sure that these should be separate concepts though.
No worries! The Bayesian Buddhists are egoless optimization processes.
They probably should be, I left out the distinction on accident. I changed it, though I think the reference to mind design space is egregious, so I might revert that.
V pna srry gur ehzoyvatf bs gur sbhaqvat bs gur Ohqquvfg Pbafcvenpl gb pbzr. Ohg pbafcvenpvrf nera’g irel Ohqquvfg. Creuncf bhe grnpuvatf funyy or uvqqra ol gurve ryrtnag pbzcyrkvgl naq abg ol frysvfu juvfcref. Jung vqragvgl funyy jr tb ol, gura? Gur Onlrfnatn? (Eliminating the ‘h’ and second ‘s’ for aesthetic purposes. I think it reads nice.)
But really, are you going to talk about mindspace and the like in your meditation post? I would feel more comfortable if you’d introduced the concepts first, since you pioneered them.
Yeah. I think it’ll help people understand how to meditate and provide a crude model of how the benefits are achieved. The post is taking longer than I anticipated because I keep discovering confusions I want to clear up or things I want to add or new ways to frame everything. I don’t mind you publishing your magnum opus first if I’m taking too long.
Gung’f cerggl!
Upon reflection and 16 hours of sleep, I added this to the top of the article:
So I think it will be awhile before I do anything with this post, if indeed I do.