But really, are you going to talk about mindspace and the like in your meditation post?
Yeah. I think it’ll help people understand how to meditate and provide a crude model of how the benefits are achieved. The post is taking longer than I anticipated because I keep discovering confusions I want to clear up or things I want to add or new ways to frame everything. I don’t mind you publishing your magnum opus first if I’m taking too long.
I don’t mind you publishing your magnum opus first if I’m taking too long.
Upon reflection and 16 hours of sleep, I added this to the top of the article:
Ignore this. After getting some much needed sleep I decided that the first half of this post, though necessary if I am to write the second half, isn’t justified in being so complicated unless I actually use the added complications in solving the problems posed. First, I will use empiricism to see if this model is helpful in finding and verifying methods of attack on the problem of crafting a rationalist identity. If so, I will go back and try to simplify what I have here and make sure all parts are necessary to understand the solutions found.
So I think it will be awhile before I do anything with this post, if indeed I do.
Yeah. I think it’ll help people understand how to meditate and provide a crude model of how the benefits are achieved. The post is taking longer than I anticipated because I keep discovering confusions I want to clear up or things I want to add or new ways to frame everything. I don’t mind you publishing your magnum opus first if I’m taking too long.
Gung’f cerggl!
Upon reflection and 16 hours of sleep, I added this to the top of the article:
So I think it will be awhile before I do anything with this post, if indeed I do.