SIAI doesn’t have the funds to actually create FAI
Funds are not a relevant issue for this particular achievement at present time. It’s not yet possible to create a FAI even given all the money in the world; a pharaoh can’t build a modern computer. (Funds can help with moving the time when (and if) that becomes possible closer, improving the chances that it happens this side of an existential catastrophe.)
Yeah, I was assuming that they were able to create FAI for the sake of responding to the grandparent post. If they weren’t, then there wouldn’t be any trouble with SIAI making AI only friendly to themselves to begin with.
Funds are not a relevant issue for this particular achievement at present time. It’s not yet possible to create a FAI even given all the money in the world; a pharaoh can’t build a modern computer. (Funds can help with moving the time when (and if) that becomes possible closer, improving the chances that it happens this side of an existential catastrophe.)
Yeah, I was assuming that they were able to create FAI for the sake of responding to the grandparent post. If they weren’t, then there wouldn’t be any trouble with SIAI making AI only friendly to themselves to begin with.