But choice is choice between options. Where are the other options, the things you could have done but didn’t?
You have subjective uncertainty about what you will do, so you know only of a set of hypothetical actions, given by descriptions that you can use. Even though only one of these will actually take place, your decision algorithm is working with the whole set, it can’t work with the actual action in particular, because it doesn’t know what it is. So in one sense, “options” may refer to this element of the decision algorithm.
You have subjective uncertainty about what you will do, so you know only of a set of hypothetical actions, given by descriptions that you can use. Even though only one of these will actually take place, your decision algorithm is working with the whole set, it can’t work with the actual action in particular, because it doesn’t know what it is. So in one sense, “options” may refer to this element of the decision algorithm.