Is someone absolutely certain if they say that they cannot imagine any circumstances under which they might change their beliefs (or, alternately, can imagine only circumstances which they are absolutely certain will not happen)?
Disagree. This would be a statement about their imagination, not about reality.
Also, people are not well calibrated on this sort of thing. People are especially poorly calibrated on this sort of thing in a social context, where others are considering their beliefs.
An example: While I haven’t actually done this, I would expect that a significant fraction of religious people would reply to such a question by saying that they would never change their beliefs because of their absolute faith. I can’t be bothered to do enough googling to find a specific interviewee about faith who then became an atheist, but I strongly suspect that some such people actually exist.
I can’t quite put it into words, but it seems like the fact that it isn’t evidence and instead changes probabilities directly means that it doesn’t so much affect beliefs as it replaces them.
Disagree. This would be a statement about their imagination, not about reality.
You are correct. I am making my statements on the basis that probability is in the mind, and as such it is perfectly possible for someone to have a probability which is incorrect. I would distinguish between a belief which it is impossible to disprove, and one which someone believes it is impossible to disprove, and as “absolutely certain” seems to refer to a mental state, I would give it the definition of the latter.
(I suspect that we don’t actually disagree about anything in reality. I further suspect that the phrase I used regarding imagination and reality was misleading; sorry, it’s my standard response to thought experiments based on people’s ability to imagine things.)
I’m not claiming that there is a difference between their stated probabilities and the actual, objective probabilities. I’m claiming that there is a difference between their stated probabilities and the probabilities that they actually hold. The relevant mental states are the implicit probabilities from their internal belief system; while words can be some evidence about this, I highly suspect, for reasons given above, that anybody who claims to be 100% confident of something is simply wrong in mapping their own internal beliefs, which they don’t have explicit access to and aren’t even stored as probabilities (?), over onto explicitly stated probabilities.
Suppose that somebody stated that they cannot imagine any circumstances under which they might change their beliefs. This is a statement about their ability to imagine situations; it is not a proof that no such situation could possibly exist in reality. The fact that it is not is demonstrated by my claim that there are people who did make that statement, but then actually encountered a situation that caused them to change their belief. Clearly, these people’s statement that they were absolutely, 100% confident of their belief was incorrect.
I would still say that while belief-altering experiences are certainly possible, even for people with stated absolute certainty, I am not convinced that they can imagine them occurring with nonzero probability. In fact, if I had absolute certainty about something, I would as a logical consequence be absolutely certain that any disproof of that belief could not occur.
However, it is also not unreasonable that someone does not believe what they profess to believe in some practically testable manner. For example, someone who states that they have absolute certainty that their deity will protect them from harm, but still declines to walk through a fire, would fall into such a category—even if they are not intentionally lying, on some level they are not absolutely certain.
I think that some of our disagreement arises from the fact that I, being relatively uneducated (for this particular community) about Bayesian networks, am not convinced that all human belief systems are isomorphic to one. This is, however, a fault in my own knowledge, and not a strong critique of the assertion.
I would expect that most religious fundamentalists would reply to such a question by saying that they would never change their beliefs because of their absolute faith.
First, fundamentalism is a matter of theology, not of intensity of faith.
Second, what would these people do if their God appeared before them and flat out told them they’re wrong? :-D
Their verbal response would be that this would be impossible.
At which point you can point out to them that God can do WTF He wants and is certainly not limited by ideas of pathetic mortals about what’s impossible and what’s not.
Oh, and step back, exploding heads can be messy :-)
This is not the place to start dissecting theism, but would you be willing to concede the possible existence of people who would simply not be responsive to such arguments? Perhaps they might accuse you of lying and refuse to listen further, or refute you with some biblical verse, or even question your premises.
Counterexamples: Religion (Essentially all of them that make claims about reality). Almost every macroeconomic theory. The War on Drugs. Abstinence-based sex education. Political positions too numerous and controversial to call out.
You are confused. I am not saying that false claims about reality cannot persist—I am saying that reality always wins.
When you die you don’t actually go to heaven—that’s Reality 1, Religion 0.
Besides, you need to look a bit more carefully at the motivations of the people involved. The goal of writing macroeconomic papers is not to reflect reality well, it is to produce publications in pursuit of tenure. The goal of the War on Drugs is not to stop drug use, it is to control the population and extract wealth. The goal of abstinence-based sex education is not to reduce pregnancy rates, it is to make certain people feel good about themselves.
I thought you were saying that reality has a pattern of convincing people of true beliefs
You misunderstood. Reality has the feature of making people face the true consequences of their actions regardless of their beliefs. That’s why reality always wins.
Sort of. Particularly in the case of belief in an afterlife, there isn’t a person still around to face the true consequences of their actions. And even in less extreme examples, people can still convince themselves that the true consequences of their actions are different—or have a different meaning—from what they really are.
And even in less extreme examples, people can still convince themselves that the true consequences of their actions are different—or have a different meaning—from what they really are.
In those cases reality can take more drastic measures.
Believing that 2 + 2 = 5 will most likely cause one to fail to build a successful airplane, but that does not prohibit one from believing that one’s own arithmetic is perfect, and that the incompetence of others, the impossibility of flight, or the condemnation of an airplane-hating god is responsible for the failure.
See my edit. Basically, the enemy airplanes flying overhead and dropping bombs should convince you that flight is indeed possible. Also any remaining desire you have it invent excuses will go away once one of the bombs explodes close enough to you.
The founders don’t get to decide whether or not it is a movement, or what goal it does or doesn’t have. It turns out that many founders in this case are also influential agents, but the influential agents I’ve talked to have expressed that they expect the world to be a better place if people generally make better decisions (in cases where objectively better decision-making is a meaningful concept).
The War on Drugs. Abstinence-based sex education. Political positions too numerous and controversial to call out.
Careful, those are the kind of political claims that where there is currently so much mind-kill that I wouldn’t trust much of the “evidence” you’re using to declare them obviously false.
The general claim is one where I think it would be better to test it on historical examples.
At which point you can point out to them that God can do WTF He wants
This is not an accurate representation of mainstream theology. Most theologists believe, for example, that it is impossible for God to do evil. See William Lane Craig’s commentary.
This is not an accurate representation of mainstream theology.
First you mean Christian theology, there are lot more theologies around.
Second, I don’t know what is “mainstream” theology—is it the official position of the Roman Catholic Church? Some common elements in Protestant theology? Does anyone care about Orthodox Christians?
Third, the question of limits on Judeo-Christian God is a very very old theological issue which has not been resolved to everyone’s satisfaction and no resolution is expected.
Fourth, William Lane Craig basically evades the problem by defining good as “what God is”. God can still do anything He wants and whatever He does automatically gets defined as “good”.
This is starting to veer into free-will territory, but I don’t think God would have much problem convincing these people that He is the Real Deal. Wouldn’t be much of a god otherwise :-)
Disagree. This would be a statement about their imagination, not about reality.
Also, people are not well calibrated on this sort of thing. People are especially poorly calibrated on this sort of thing in a social context, where others are considering their beliefs.
ETA: An example: While I haven’t actually done this, I would expect that a significant fraction of religious people would reply to such a question by saying that they would never change their beliefs because of their absolute faith. I can’t be bothered to do enough googling to find a specific interviewee about faith who then became an atheist, but I strongly suspect that some such people actually exist.
Yeah, fair enough.
You are correct. I am making my statements on the basis that probability is in the mind, and as such it is perfectly possible for someone to have a probability which is incorrect. I would distinguish between a belief which it is impossible to disprove, and one which someone believes it is impossible to disprove, and as “absolutely certain” seems to refer to a mental state, I would give it the definition of the latter.
(I suspect that we don’t actually disagree about anything in reality. I further suspect that the phrase I used regarding imagination and reality was misleading; sorry, it’s my standard response to thought experiments based on people’s ability to imagine things.)
I’m not claiming that there is a difference between their stated probabilities and the actual, objective probabilities. I’m claiming that there is a difference between their stated probabilities and the probabilities that they actually hold. The relevant mental states are the implicit probabilities from their internal belief system; while words can be some evidence about this, I highly suspect, for reasons given above, that anybody who claims to be 100% confident of something is simply wrong in mapping their own internal beliefs, which they don’t have explicit access to and aren’t even stored as probabilities (?), over onto explicitly stated probabilities.
Suppose that somebody stated that they cannot imagine any circumstances under which they might change their beliefs. This is a statement about their ability to imagine situations; it is not a proof that no such situation could possibly exist in reality. The fact that it is not is demonstrated by my claim that there are people who did make that statement, but then actually encountered a situation that caused them to change their belief. Clearly, these people’s statement that they were absolutely, 100% confident of their belief was incorrect.
I would still say that while belief-altering experiences are certainly possible, even for people with stated absolute certainty, I am not convinced that they can imagine them occurring with nonzero probability. In fact, if I had absolute certainty about something, I would as a logical consequence be absolutely certain that any disproof of that belief could not occur.
However, it is also not unreasonable that someone does not believe what they profess to believe in some practically testable manner. For example, someone who states that they have absolute certainty that their deity will protect them from harm, but still declines to walk through a fire, would fall into such a category—even if they are not intentionally lying, on some level they are not absolutely certain.
I think that some of our disagreement arises from the fact that I, being relatively uneducated (for this particular community) about Bayesian networks, am not convinced that all human belief systems are isomorphic to one. This is, however, a fault in my own knowledge, and not a strong critique of the assertion.
First, fundamentalism is a matter of theology, not of intensity of faith.
Second, what would these people do if their God appeared before them and flat out told them they’re wrong? :-D
Fixed, thanks.
Their verbal response would be that this would be impossible.
(I agree that such a situation would likely lead to them actually changing their beliefs.)
At which point you can point out to them that God can do WTF He wants and is certainly not limited by ideas of pathetic mortals about what’s impossible and what’s not.
Oh, and step back, exploding heads can be messy :-)
This is not the place to start dissecting theism, but would you be willing to concede the possible existence of people who would simply not be responsive to such arguments? Perhaps they might accuse you of lying and refuse to listen further, or refute you with some biblical verse, or even question your premises.
Of course. Stuffing fingers into your ears and going NA-NA-NA-NA-CAN’T-HEAR-YOU is a rather common debate tactic :-)
Don’t you observe people doing that to reality, rather than updating their beliefs?
That too. Though reality, of course, has ways of making sure its point of view prevails :-)
Reality has shown itself to be fairly ineffective in the short term (all of human history).
In my experience reality is very very effective. In the long term AND in the short term.
Counterexamples: Religion (Essentially all of them that make claims about reality). Almost every macroeconomic theory. The War on Drugs. Abstinence-based sex education. Political positions too numerous and controversial to call out.
You are confused. I am not saying that false claims about reality cannot persist—I am saying that reality always wins.
When you die you don’t actually go to heaven—that’s Reality 1, Religion 0.
Besides, you need to look a bit more carefully at the motivations of the people involved. The goal of writing macroeconomic papers is not to reflect reality well, it is to produce publications in pursuit of tenure. The goal of the War on Drugs is not to stop drug use, it is to control the population and extract wealth. The goal of abstinence-based sex education is not to reduce pregnancy rates, it is to make certain people feel good about themselves.
Wait, isn’t that pretty much tautological, given the definition of ‘reality’?
What’s your definition of reality?
I can’t get a very general definition while still being useful, but reality is what determines if a belief is true or false.
I thought you were saying that reality has a pattern of convincing people of true beliefs, not that reality is indifferent to belief.
You misunderstood. Reality has the feature of making people face the true consequences of their actions regardless of their beliefs. That’s why reality always wins.
Most of my definition of ‘true consequences’ matches my definition of ‘reality’.
Sort of. Particularly in the case of belief in an afterlife, there isn’t a person still around to face the true consequences of their actions. And even in less extreme examples, people can still convince themselves that the true consequences of their actions are different—or have a different meaning—from what they really are.
In those cases reality can take more drastic measures.
Edit: Here is the quote I should have linked to.
Believing that 2 + 2 = 5 will most likely cause one to fail to build a successful airplane, but that does not prohibit one from believing that one’s own arithmetic is perfect, and that the incompetence of others, the impossibility of flight, or the condemnation of an airplane-hating god is responsible for the failure.
See my edit. Basically, the enemy airplanes flying overhead and dropping bombs should convince you that flight is indeed possible. Also any remaining desire you have it invent excuses will go away once one of the bombs explodes close enough to you.
What’s the goal of rationalism as a movement?
No idea. I don’t even think rationalism is a movement (in the usual sociological meaning). Ask some of the founders.
The founders don’t get to decide whether or not it is a movement, or what goal it does or doesn’t have. It turns out that many founders in this case are also influential agents, but the influential agents I’ve talked to have expressed that they expect the world to be a better place if people generally make better decisions (in cases where objectively better decision-making is a meaningful concept).
Careful, those are the kind of political claims that where there is currently so much mind-kill that I wouldn’t trust much of the “evidence” you’re using to declare them obviously false.
The general claim is one where I think it would be better to test it on historical examples.
So, because Copernicus was eventually vindicated, reality prevails in general? Only a smaller subset of humanity believes in science.
This is not an accurate representation of mainstream theology. Most theologists believe, for example, that it is impossible for God to do evil. See William Lane Craig’s commentary.
First you mean Christian theology, there are lot more theologies around.
Second, I don’t know what is “mainstream” theology—is it the official position of the Roman Catholic Church? Some common elements in Protestant theology? Does anyone care about Orthodox Christians?
Third, the question of limits on Judeo-Christian God is a very very old theological issue which has not been resolved to everyone’s satisfaction and no resolution is expected.
Fourth, William Lane Craig basically evades the problem by defining good as “what God is”. God can still do anything He wants and whatever He does automatically gets defined as “good”.
Clearly they would consider this entity a false God/Satan.
This is starting to veer into free-will territory, but I don’t think God would have much problem convincing these people that He is the Real Deal. Wouldn’t be much of a god otherwise :-)
That’s vacuously true, of course. Which makes you original question meaningless as stated.
It wasn’t so much meaningless as it was rhetorical.