I am looking for nonfiction non-historical books that aren’t too dumbed-down/light (essentially, a book that needs careful reading, not something skimmable), but still readable on an e-reader such as Kindle (so equations should be very scarce, and the book should be available in a reflowable format such as EPUB).
Some examples:
Darwin‘s Dangerous Idea (and other books by Dennett)
Thinking, Fast and Slow
Norton’s Introduction to Philosophy
LW’s sequences and The Codex (generally, most equation-less LW posts fit the bill)
Most Programming books (though I prefer a hands-on approach for learning these, which is not possible on an e-reader)
The strategy of conflict is condensed instrumental rationality. Much of the content is covered elsewhere, but I don’t know of a superior qualatative presentation.
Talking about qualatative presentations, thinking physics is a set of hundreds of physics problems, designed to show how important conservation laws and infinitesimals are. The problems are all solvable with some careful thought, and cover quite a deal of ground. I wish more books were written in this way.
FYI this link doesn’t go anywhere
Here’s a link to the book’s Goodreads page
If you are into data analysis and software engineering there is my book Evidence-based software engineering.
pdf+data+code here: http://knosof.co.uk/ESEUR/
PDF is not reflowable. EPUB or MOBI would be much better.
I’m currently reading on kindle app on a tablet The Logic of Political Survival which seems to fit your description. it does have one chapter with quite a bit of math, and that part wasn’t as good as it is on PDF, but it was better than i expected it to be. so all in all, recommended in general, and on kindle.