I found his results very impressive as well. For example, he’s able to prompt GPT-3 to summarize a Wikipedia article on quantum computing at either a second grade or an eighth grade level, depending on the prompt.
It’s not really meant to be a stand alone explanation, but it does list some of GPT-2/3′s more impressive abilities. After compiling the presentation, I think we’ll look back on GPT-3 as the “Wright brothers” moment for AGI.
Consider, this post suggests GPT-3 cost ~$4.6 million to train: https://lambdalabs.com/blog/demystifying-gpt-3. It would be well within Google/Microsoft/Amazon/DoD/etc’s budget to increase model size by another 2 (possibly 3) orders of magnitude. Based on the jump in GPT-3′s performance going from 13 B parameters to 175 B parameters, such a “GPT-4” would be absolutely stunning.
On the bright side, according to OpenAI’s scaling laws paper, GPT-3 is about the size that scaling was predicted to start breaking down. So maybe GPT-4 won’t actually be better than GPT-3. I’m not counting on it though.
My own take (not meant to be strong evidence of anything, mostly just kinda documenting my internal updating experience)
I had already updated towards fairly shortish (like, maybe 20% chance of AGI in 20 years?). I initially had a surge of AAAAUGH maybe the end times around now right around the corner with GPT-3, but I think that was mostly unwarranted. (At least, GPT-3 didn’t seem like new information, it seemed roughly what I’d have expected GPT-3 to be like, and insofar as I’m updating shorter it seems like that means I just made a mistake last year when first evaluating GPT-2)
My largest update came from the bit where it figured out that it was expected to produce Harry Potter parodies in different styles. Previously GPT had felt cool, but basically a very advanced version of a Markov chain. But the HP thing felt like it would have required some kind of reasoning.
I’m not sure how exactly reasoning should be defined and whether that part really requires reasoning or not. But if it’s just very advanced and incredible recognition and mimicry abilities, it still shifts my impression of what can be achieved using just advanced and incredible recognition and mimicry abilities. I would previously have assumed that you need something like reasoning for it, but if you don’t, then maybe the capacity for reasoning is slightly less important than I had thought.
Okay, my intuitions for AI timelines just shifted to put considerably more probability on the short end.
Same. Specifically, I went from predicting 50% chance of human-level AGI within 40 years to 50% chance within 10 years.
Andrew Mayne was also given access to the GPT-3 API. You can read his impressions here: https://andrewmayneblog.wordpress.com/
I found his results very impressive as well. For example, he’s able to prompt GPT-3 to summarize a Wikipedia article on quantum computing at either a second grade or an eighth grade level, depending on the prompt.
I actually put together a presentation on GPT-like architectures and their uses for my advisor: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1kCJ2PJ_3UteHBX5TWZyrF5ontEdNx_B4vi6KTmQmPNo/edit?usp=sharing
It’s not really meant to be a stand alone explanation, but it does list some of GPT-2/3′s more impressive abilities. After compiling the presentation, I think we’ll look back on GPT-3 as the “Wright brothers” moment for AGI.
Consider, this post suggests GPT-3 cost ~$4.6 million to train: https://lambdalabs.com/blog/demystifying-gpt-3. It would be well within Google/Microsoft/Amazon/DoD/etc’s budget to increase model size by another 2 (possibly 3) orders of magnitude. Based on the jump in GPT-3′s performance going from 13 B parameters to 175 B parameters, such a “GPT-4” would be absolutely stunning.
On the bright side, according to OpenAI’s scaling laws paper, GPT-3 is about the size that scaling was predicted to start breaking down. So maybe GPT-4 won’t actually be better than GPT-3. I’m not counting on it though.
It’s possible that GPT-3 is roughly at where the maximally naive simple text LM begins to hit the constant wall, but I don’t regard this as important; as I emphasize at every turn, there are many distinct ways in which to improve it greatly using purely known methods, never mind future research approaches. The question is not whether there is any way GPT-4 might fail, but any way in which it might succeed.
There’s a typo in your Andrew Mayne link, but thanks for linking it—that’s wild!
Thanks, fixed.
My own take (not meant to be strong evidence of anything, mostly just kinda documenting my internal updating experience)
I had already updated towards fairly shortish (like, maybe 20% chance of AGI in 20 years?). I initially had a surge of AAAAUGH maybe the end times around now right around the corner with GPT-3, but I think that was mostly unwarranted. (At least, GPT-3 didn’t seem like new information, it seemed roughly what I’d have expected GPT-3 to be like, and insofar as I’m updating shorter it seems like that means I just made a mistake last year when first evaluating GPT-2)
I’m also interested in more of Kaj’s thoughts.
My largest update came from the bit where it figured out that it was expected to produce Harry Potter parodies in different styles. Previously GPT had felt cool, but basically a very advanced version of a Markov chain. But the HP thing felt like it would have required some kind of reasoning.
I’m not sure how exactly reasoning should be defined and whether that part really requires reasoning or not. But if it’s just very advanced and incredible recognition and mimicry abilities, it still shifts my impression of what can be achieved using just advanced and incredible recognition and mimicry abilities. I would previously have assumed that you need something like reasoning for it, but if you don’t, then maybe the capacity for reasoning is slightly less important than I had thought.