I’ve read through the back and forth with EY on Hermione here.
I think the criticisms of EY’s treatment of Hermione’s silliness share Hermione’s silliness.
Hermione is all wound up with feeling not as good as Harry, with a Greater Prodigy crisis, and twists that up in gender ideology. Notice that Draco, the boy born to rule, has no problem accepting Harry’s greater competence, and certainly doesn’t get in a gender based tizzy over it. Who cries for Draco’s unflattering portrayal?
Look at Harry, Draco, and Hermione. Who is more emotionally balanced? Who has a healthier interpersonal outlook? Who isn’t going to be a Dark Lord, no matter what? Who is actually the best student? Who treats people the best?
You want to talk about silly? How about Harry’s moral tizzy over sentient food. Cannibal!
Keep in mind that Hermione won the first army battle. While the other generals were busy being brilliant and ordering others about, Hermione was busy organizing her team to get the best out of them.
Yes, Hermione doesn’t have the sheer power Harry does. Why does she, and apparently others, think she has to have that power or she will be less than?
As for the Mars vs. Venus discussions between Harry and Hermione, whatever Hermione’s silliness, Harry’s always comes off looking worse in my eyes. And on the literary side, before 87 I was starting to feel that the tone had gotten rather grim and analytical, and worried that the light human touch in the book had been cast aside for grim heroic daring do. 87 was a relief.
Quirrell remarked on how Harry was exceedingly good at killing things. I don’t think that’s the right measure of overall competence, whether Harry or Moody. Hermione has basic good sense and decency that all the competent killers lack.
When I project out the story arc, Harry may win the battle, but the future belongs to Hermione. Better than Dumbledore, better than Moody, better than McGonagal, better than Harry. Though having said it, I wonder if Hermione will get a phoenix visit, take down Azkaban herself, and possibly not survive. There’s been some foreshadowing on that.
If Hermione takes down Azkaban and survives, and does so without Harry seeming to take control, that would be more amazing to read than I can possibly express.
Also it would be a nice touch of realism: no one good person solves all the problems.
But there are three hard literary problems here:
the author has probably got another Azkaban answer in mind, based on Harry,
the author would have to prepare the ground for Hermione grokking the “Death ain’t inevitable” approach to Dementors,
it would be tricky to write a realistic Harry who, even from Harry and the reader’s POV, was “protecting Hermione’s back while she saves the day” as opposed to “rescuing Hermione”. The rearguard samurai who buys the hero time is a fiction staple, but it’s not a default role for Harry.
[Edit: ] as wedrifid wisely points out below, Hermione has to have a good reason to believe she has to take the lead, since Harry is demonstrably better at the average Confrontational Solution than she is.
If Hermione takes down Azkaban and survives, and does so without Harry seeming to take control, that would be more amazing to read than I can possibly express.
It would also reflect terribly on Hermione. She’d be an utter fool to attempt that kind of thing without using Harry’s brilliance and resourcefulness. Her influence over Harry is one of her most useful powers and killing stuff ingeniously (and surviving) is pretty much Harry’s specialty. It isn’t hers.
It’s one thing to insist on having your own team in a school battle-games. It’s quite another to waste the opportunity to accept aid (and in this case even leadership) from an ally in a situation that means the life and death of yourself and others. It’d be disgustingly immature, take ‘silliness’ to a whole new level and be completely irrational. Unless Hermione’s goal in attacking Azkaban really is more about her ego and signalling and not about the need for Azkaban to be attacked for some direct reason… and she had some reason to be completely confident that it wouldn’t kill her.
Yes, to make it plausible you do have to put Hermione in an impatient or infuriated state of mind, and Harry has to be out of contact. So, for example, suppose:
Harry is elsewhere, preparing his next move against Voldemort; and
Hermione gets dragged to Azkaban on a visit by someone intending to intimidate her, and she concludes it is just as monstrous as Harry thinks. (Actually, she’d probably be even less tolerant: Hermione is not a lesser-evil-excusing sort of person, once you jolt her out of her status-quo bias.)
You could argue that would be enough—Hermione is good at hard work and righteous indignation, and she and Harry could be arranged by the author to have discussed hypothetical Azkaban strategies beforehand. If you wanted added pressure on Hermione,
someone threatens her with death or, indeed, imprisonment within Azkaban.
In which case Hermione might rationally decide to “go out with a bang.”
The hardest part of this (in a literary sense) would be keeping Harry away from Hermione for the critical period.
But Hermione isn’t really rational, she’s just intelligent. I don’t think she can perform a feat of astounding rationality in this fic, as you are suggesting. Her idea of morality is flawed and naive. If I imagine her going to Azkaban and destroying it, it would be for decidedly uninspiring reasons to me, as a rationalist.
I am confused. What would you suggest as an example of an “inspiring reason” to go and destroy Azkaban, that does occur or could occur to Harry, that would not normally occur to Hermione?
But I’d disagree that it would reflect terribly on Hermione. It wouldn’t be optimal, but few people behave optimally. Lily’s futile attempt to save Harry was suboptimal, but I don’t think it reflected terribly on her.
Unfortunately, Hermoine’s particularly suboptimality is exactly this—trying to prove that she is as effective and powerful as Harry, and so not wanting Harry’s help. She should know better. And she does, in a sense, and better than Harry or Draco. She was the general who got her army to help do the planning for the battle. She could accept their help, and sought it out. But her Prodigy Superiority Complex is threatened by help from Harry.
This whole scenario is taking a grim turn in my mind. Hermione may sacrifice herself to destroy the dementors, only to have Harry see that the sacrifice was unnecessary, and could have been avoided if he updated the note he gave to her on dementors.
It wouldn’t necessarily reflect badly on her: if someone has to die to take down Azkaban,* and Harry needs to survive to achieve other important goals, then Hermione taking it down seems like a non-foolish solution to me.
*This is hinted at as being at least a strong possibility.
We’ve already gotten the scene where Harry decides he has something else to do besides killing dementors.
Harry has expressed that he’s sure Hermione could learn the True Patronus and wouldn’t be able to stop herself from destroying Azkaban. She already has the secret in a note from Harry. She’s been introduced to Fawkes. And she was led to her first bullies by flashes of gold and red.
He could have Harry taken to Azkaban, and Hermione break him out. That would be a bit too femi-cliched for my taste, but you never know.
Harry might be off somewhere, and Hermione will need to face the choice of going to Azkaban alone. She might face the choice believing that Harry is dead. EY has referred to Stephen Donaldson before. A “Lord Mhoram’s Victory” scenario could fit nicely. (Very moving scene from Donaldson, and perfectly in line with EY’s sense of life.) Along that line, maybe all the Dementors besiege Hogwarts (Harry and Dumbledore being elsewhere), slowly wearing down the defenses, and General Sunshine remembers the note from Harry, runs off to get it, and as she overcomes her fear of Dementors and resolves to fight them, she hears a great CAW! and is faced by a phoenix that transports her into the midst of the Dementors and she destroys them all.
I think the groundwork has been laid, and the plot turns aren’t so difficult. Hermione as taking McGonagal’s in mounting the defense of Hogwarts works for me.
Oh, good point, the author’s prepared for Hermione to take on Azkaban. The trick will be motive.
If Hermione harrows Azkaban for Harry’s sake, that’s Hermione the faithful NPC, not Hermione who has wishes and dreams of her own.
If Hermione harrows Azkaban because it’s the right thing to do, that will be pure awesome.
As you say, if Hermione believes Harry is dead, especially if she believes some other innocent is about to be sent to Azkaban, she could spring into action quite on her own.
I think you’ve convinced me 66% that Hermione, not Harry, takes on Azkaban.
What I don’t feel so confident of is that the author will manage to do this in a way that Hermione’s motive is “because it’s the right thing”. The gravitational pull of “Harry causes all interesting good things” is strong.
Avoiding the “Harry causes everything good” gravitational field isn’t an insoluble problem. But EY has a lot of other balls to juggle besides the harrowing of Azkaban.
″ You have courage enough for Gryffindor, said the calm voice of the
Sorting Hat in her memory, but you will do what is right in any House
I give you. You will learn, you will stand by your friends, in any House
you choose. So don’t be afraid, Hermione Granger, just decide where you
“Why, no,” said Professor Quirrell. “I stopped trying to be a hero, and went off to do something else I found more pleasant.”
“But you don’t have to be a hero, Miss Granger,” said Professor Quirrell. “You can stop anytime you please.”
That idea… …had occurred to her before, several times over the last two days.
People become who they are meant to be, by doing what is right, Headmaster Dumbledore had told her.
Hermione Granger, I shall be less subtle than is usual for a mysterious old wizard, and tell you outright that you cannot imagine how badly things could go if the events surrounding Harry Potter turn to ill.
The most powerful wizard in the world had told her that, when he was talking about how important it was that she not stop being Harry’s friend.
Staying with Harry is not for Harry’s sake, it is the right thing to do. I think you’re over constraining the solution.
And I wouldn’t say that the harrowing of Azkaban is the point—it’s the destruction of the dementors. The continual torture provided by the dementors is what makes Azkaban an abomination.
Although wouldn’t it be strange to have someone else defeat Death besides Harry? He’s learned much more about death than he knew when he first cast the True Patronus, and he has the invisibility cloak.
A Hermione who risks all against Dementors “to help Harry” is not nearly as interesting to me as a Hermione who risks all against Dementors because they’re evil regardless of Harry.
We’ll all help our friends. Pick any evil person in history—they had friends. If they’re a political leader, they had lots of admirers.
The fic itself has Harry make the point that if you’re only interesting in helping an “us” and not a “them”, that’s a pretty weak sort of good that easily turns to evil.
I think in a fic so full of extraordinary characters, Hermione deserves to be extraordinary enough to do awesome things even for strangers, even when she doesn’t think her friends will benefit, because a world without dementors is just better.
I can well imagine Hermione getting a phoenix. Her potentially resulting self-sacrifice could well be a climactic point in the fic, in fact. Its effect on Harry would be interesting to see, too.
As a rule, “And what effect does this have on the protagonist?” is the most commonly answered question in narrative. That’s what being the protagonist means, really.
I’m… I’m not saying that Hermione is written without virtues, or without net rather a lot of virtues. Hermione’s lovely and I would want to be friends with her. I’m saying she has this flaw (it is fine that she has a flaw, characters need those) and that so do all the other girls her age (it is not fine that they all share it, characters need variety) and that it’s representative of a larger pattern of mishandling female characters (also not fine).
Could you precisely state the flaw you see? You say “silly” a lot, but what specific behavior do you find objectionable, and why?
I don’t see the same behavior in the silly girls and Hermione. The girls play gossiping romantic fantasy, which Hermione herself has contempt for. The closest behavior is Hermione getting emotional about her relationships with Harry and other people, and what people think of her. Is having emotions about what others think a character flaw?
I go into more detail a bit elsewhere in the thread. She becomes hysterical about Draco, indulging some bewildering sort of friend-jealousy or romantic precociousness, moralizing to an unforgiving degree that she cannot possibly endorse if she thought about it for thirty seconds, making sweeping unsupported assertions about human psychology, determining of a sudden for no reason that Harry was supposed to be Science Monogamous with her, throwing a tantrum that is not necessarily age inappropriate but is not in keeping with her typical level of personal maturity, making their genders way more salient than they needed to be (she does throughout the fic, it’s weird), identifying herself for some reason as a “poor innocent little girl” victimized by a question that she just made relevant enough for Harry to ask...
No offense (and I’m a boy so quite probably biased about this, fair warning) but are you sure you know what girls are like in real life? I know in a utopian world there would be no gender stereotyping, but in my honest experience, even as someone who strongly wishes stereotypes would all burn and die, girls in schools do gossip, and stress about relationships, and quite possibly are prone to sensitivity and preoccupation about love, even if it is culturally rooted.
Just wondering I guess if you’ve been so successful in emancipating yourself from that stereotype (congratulations on that) that you’ve ended up with unrealistic expectations of what is actually normal for girls.
That said I don’t know you and don’t want to come across as though I’m certain of what I’m saying either, just reporting on my brain’s response to your comment.
Up until I was about Hermione’s age, my friends were nearly all girls, and they were an even mix beyond that. I am not claiming anything so preposterous as that girls do not gossip or fixate on interpersonal matters. Of course they do; it’s not even limited to children. I am saying that girls are not uniformly silly creatures, differentiated only by name, approximate g factor, and school House.
I think it would take more than 30 seconds to get over the fact that someone you rely on to be your only equal friend does not have a symmetrical relationship where you’re similarly important, not to mention his OTHER close friend is the guy who has said he wants you dead.
Hermione explicitly thinks that it’s sad that Harry only has her for a friend, while she can have other people that she enjoys spending time with. She thinks that it’s flattering, but also a lot of pressure. If anything, this makes it seem that she’s upset that the relationship is more symmetrical than it initially appears.
I fully agree with the part about the additional relationship being with someone who wants to do unspeakable things to her, however.
I said it elsewhere, but I’ll reiterate and expand here.
Getting emotional, crying and running off does not necessarily merit penalty points in a human interaction, and certainly not for 12 year old girls who have recently been threatened with a lengthy term of prison/torture for attempted murder of someone who she recently discovered wanted to do horrible things to her, and then finds that her best friend and savior had a hidden and close relationship with that someone. Threats to security, violation of basic trust and in group solidarity, where the stakes are a torture death for her and the allegiance of her best friend and savior, who she had recently resolved to stick by in the face of a persistent threat to her own life.
Maybe the inside view of that would be hugely emotional, and might impair dispassionate thought a tad?
Me, I think it was a narratively appropriate scene for him to reintroduce a little cliched comedy. It was a little overdone on both sides for comic effect, but that’s how you make comedy. I thought it worked. I thought it was fun. I think he tends a little toward slapstick with his comedy, and it’s not intended to be taken as entirely realistic character development.
she cannot possibly endorse if she thought about it for thirty seconds
What makes you assume she will endorse it after she has had time to calm down and think about it for 30 seconds? I endorse incoherent positions all the time that I then am forced to retract on reflection. Doesn’t everyone? If our knee jerk reactions to things were correct we wouldn’t all be here arguing on LW.
Eliezer obviously agrees with you, but… Hermione doesn’t sound silly at all to me. Okay, explicitly believing that sufficient lack of sympathy makes one an inherently bad person is silly, but no sillier than Dumbledore’s deathism. And the jealousy is completely justified. Harry encouraged the rivalry, then promised they would study magic together—that they’d be the team to crack it, the only researchers in the wizarding world, not that she could lend a hand as human library. Of course they’re supposed to be Science Monogamous. And it’s not like he’s met another great scientist; he’s going out of his way to teach science to someone who hated her.
I tried to get one of my friends to read MoR and he quit after about Chapter 20 because he was getting annoyed at how the children weren’t acting like children. I think from his point of view, the disparity you’re identifying between Hermione and Harry, say, doesn’t count as mishandling Hermione so much as mishandling Harry… as far as my friend’s point of view is concerned, Hermione acting silly is a completely appropriate response to what she’s been through, and there is something deeply wrong with Harry Potter.
And… this is hard to talk about because I feel like I constantly have to make sure what I’m saying doesn’t count as Clueless Male Cluelessly Defending The Patriarchy. I have some small understanding of male privilege. It would be nice if I could be given the benefit of the doubt on this. (Now I’m trying to figure out if that counts as Clueless Male Cluelessly Defending The Patriarchy...)
And… this is hard to talk about because I feel like I constantly have to make sure what I’m saying doesn’t count as Clueless Male Cluelessly Defending The Patriarchy.
Don’t worry about it. Complaints about “Clueless Male Cluelessly Defending The Patriarchy” are mostly an excuse to enforce norms about things you can’t say.
I’ve read through the back and forth with EY on Hermione here.
I think the criticisms of EY’s treatment of Hermione’s silliness share Hermione’s silliness.
Hermione is all wound up with feeling not as good as Harry, with a Greater Prodigy crisis, and twists that up in gender ideology. Notice that Draco, the boy born to rule, has no problem accepting Harry’s greater competence, and certainly doesn’t get in a gender based tizzy over it. Who cries for Draco’s unflattering portrayal?
Look at Harry, Draco, and Hermione. Who is more emotionally balanced? Who has a healthier interpersonal outlook? Who isn’t going to be a Dark Lord, no matter what? Who is actually the best student? Who treats people the best?
You want to talk about silly? How about Harry’s moral tizzy over sentient food. Cannibal!
Keep in mind that Hermione won the first army battle. While the other generals were busy being brilliant and ordering others about, Hermione was busy organizing her team to get the best out of them.
Yes, Hermione doesn’t have the sheer power Harry does. Why does she, and apparently others, think she has to have that power or she will be less than?
As for the Mars vs. Venus discussions between Harry and Hermione, whatever Hermione’s silliness, Harry’s always comes off looking worse in my eyes. And on the literary side, before 87 I was starting to feel that the tone had gotten rather grim and analytical, and worried that the light human touch in the book had been cast aside for grim heroic daring do. 87 was a relief.
Quirrell remarked on how Harry was exceedingly good at killing things. I don’t think that’s the right measure of overall competence, whether Harry or Moody. Hermione has basic good sense and decency that all the competent killers lack.
When I project out the story arc, Harry may win the battle, but the future belongs to Hermione. Better than Dumbledore, better than Moody, better than McGonagal, better than Harry. Though having said it, I wonder if Hermione will get a phoenix visit, take down Azkaban herself, and possibly not survive. There’s been some foreshadowing on that.
Ooh, Hermione versus Azkaban. I want that.
If Hermione takes down Azkaban and survives, and does so without Harry seeming to take control, that would be more amazing to read than I can possibly express.
Also it would be a nice touch of realism: no one good person solves all the problems.
But there are three hard literary problems here:
the author has probably got another Azkaban answer in mind, based on Harry,
the author would have to prepare the ground for Hermione grokking the “Death ain’t inevitable” approach to Dementors,
it would be tricky to write a realistic Harry who, even from Harry and the reader’s POV, was “protecting Hermione’s back while she saves the day” as opposed to “rescuing Hermione”. The rearguard samurai who buys the hero time is a fiction staple, but it’s not a default role for Harry.
[Edit: ] as wedrifid wisely points out below, Hermione has to have a good reason to believe she has to take the lead, since Harry is demonstrably better at the average Confrontational Solution than she is.
But if it happens I will be ever so happy.
It would also reflect terribly on Hermione. She’d be an utter fool to attempt that kind of thing without using Harry’s brilliance and resourcefulness. Her influence over Harry is one of her most useful powers and killing stuff ingeniously (and surviving) is pretty much Harry’s specialty. It isn’t hers.
It’s one thing to insist on having your own team in a school battle-games. It’s quite another to waste the opportunity to accept aid (and in this case even leadership) from an ally in a situation that means the life and death of yourself and others. It’d be disgustingly immature, take ‘silliness’ to a whole new level and be completely irrational. Unless Hermione’s goal in attacking Azkaban really is more about her ego and signalling and not about the need for Azkaban to be attacked for some direct reason… and she had some reason to be completely confident that it wouldn’t kill her.
No respect points for ego when it is at the expense of shut up and multiply.
Yes, to make it plausible you do have to put Hermione in an impatient or infuriated state of mind, and Harry has to be out of contact. So, for example, suppose:
Harry is elsewhere, preparing his next move against Voldemort; and
Hermione gets dragged to Azkaban on a visit by someone intending to intimidate her, and she concludes it is just as monstrous as Harry thinks. (Actually, she’d probably be even less tolerant: Hermione is not a lesser-evil-excusing sort of person, once you jolt her out of her status-quo bias.)
You could argue that would be enough—Hermione is good at hard work and righteous indignation, and she and Harry could be arranged by the author to have discussed hypothetical Azkaban strategies beforehand. If you wanted added pressure on Hermione,
someone threatens her with death or, indeed, imprisonment within Azkaban.
In which case Hermione might rationally decide to “go out with a bang.”
The hardest part of this (in a literary sense) would be keeping Harry away from Hermione for the critical period.
But Hermione isn’t really rational, she’s just intelligent. I don’t think she can perform a feat of astounding rationality in this fic, as you are suggesting. Her idea of morality is flawed and naive. If I imagine her going to Azkaban and destroying it, it would be for decidedly uninspiring reasons to me, as a rationalist.
I am confused. What would you suggest as an example of an “inspiring reason” to go and destroy Azkaban, that does occur or could occur to Harry, that would not normally occur to Hermione?
I go into more detail in the post below, but I only picture Hermione attacking the dementors under some kind of time pressure with Harry unavailable.
But I’d disagree that it would reflect terribly on Hermione. It wouldn’t be optimal, but few people behave optimally. Lily’s futile attempt to save Harry was suboptimal, but I don’t think it reflected terribly on her.
Unfortunately, Hermoine’s particularly suboptimality is exactly this—trying to prove that she is as effective and powerful as Harry, and so not wanting Harry’s help. She should know better. And she does, in a sense, and better than Harry or Draco. She was the general who got her army to help do the planning for the battle. She could accept their help, and sought it out. But her Prodigy Superiority Complex is threatened by help from Harry.
This whole scenario is taking a grim turn in my mind. Hermione may sacrifice herself to destroy the dementors, only to have Harry see that the sacrifice was unnecessary, and could have been avoided if he updated the note he gave to her on dementors.
It wouldn’t necessarily reflect badly on her: if someone has to die to take down Azkaban,* and Harry needs to survive to achieve other important goals, then Hermione taking it down seems like a non-foolish solution to me.
*This is hinted at as being at least a strong possibility.
For the literary problems:
We’ve already gotten the scene where Harry decides he has something else to do besides killing dementors.
Harry has expressed that he’s sure Hermione could learn the True Patronus and wouldn’t be able to stop herself from destroying Azkaban. She already has the secret in a note from Harry. She’s been introduced to Fawkes. And she was led to her first bullies by flashes of gold and red.
He could have Harry taken to Azkaban, and Hermione break him out. That would be a bit too femi-cliched for my taste, but you never know.
Harry might be off somewhere, and Hermione will need to face the choice of going to Azkaban alone. She might face the choice believing that Harry is dead. EY has referred to Stephen Donaldson before. A “Lord Mhoram’s Victory” scenario could fit nicely. (Very moving scene from Donaldson, and perfectly in line with EY’s sense of life.) Along that line, maybe all the Dementors besiege Hogwarts (Harry and Dumbledore being elsewhere), slowly wearing down the defenses, and General Sunshine remembers the note from Harry, runs off to get it, and as she overcomes her fear of Dementors and resolves to fight them, she hears a great CAW! and is faced by a phoenix that transports her into the midst of the Dementors and she destroys them all.
I think the groundwork has been laid, and the plot turns aren’t so difficult. Hermione as taking McGonagal’s in mounting the defense of Hogwarts works for me.
Oh, good point, the author’s prepared for Hermione to take on Azkaban. The trick will be motive.
If Hermione harrows Azkaban for Harry’s sake, that’s Hermione the faithful NPC, not Hermione who has wishes and dreams of her own.
If Hermione harrows Azkaban because it’s the right thing to do, that will be pure awesome.
As you say, if Hermione believes Harry is dead, especially if she believes some other innocent is about to be sent to Azkaban, she could spring into action quite on her own.
I think you’ve convinced me 66% that Hermione, not Harry, takes on Azkaban.
What I don’t feel so confident of is that the author will manage to do this in a way that Hermione’s motive is “because it’s the right thing”. The gravitational pull of “Harry causes all interesting good things” is strong.
Avoiding the “Harry causes everything good” gravitational field isn’t an insoluble problem. But EY has a lot of other balls to juggle besides the harrowing of Azkaban.
Staying with Harry is not for Harry’s sake, it is the right thing to do. I think you’re over constraining the solution.
And I wouldn’t say that the harrowing of Azkaban is the point—it’s the destruction of the dementors. The continual torture provided by the dementors is what makes Azkaban an abomination.
Although wouldn’t it be strange to have someone else defeat Death besides Harry? He’s learned much more about death than he knew when he first cast the True Patronus, and he has the invisibility cloak.
A Hermione who risks all against Dementors “to help Harry” is not nearly as interesting to me as a Hermione who risks all against Dementors because they’re evil regardless of Harry.
We’ll all help our friends. Pick any evil person in history—they had friends. If they’re a political leader, they had lots of admirers.
The fic itself has Harry make the point that if you’re only interesting in helping an “us” and not a “them”, that’s a pretty weak sort of good that easily turns to evil.
I think in a fic so full of extraordinary characters, Hermione deserves to be extraordinary enough to do awesome things even for strangers, even when she doesn’t think her friends will benefit, because a world without dementors is just better.
I can well imagine Hermione getting a phoenix. Her potentially resulting self-sacrifice could well be a climactic point in the fic, in fact. Its effect on Harry would be interesting to see, too.
Just reading that makes me sad.
As a rule, “And what effect does this have on the protagonist?” is the most commonly answered question in narrative. That’s what being the protagonist means, really.
I’m… I’m not saying that Hermione is written without virtues, or without net rather a lot of virtues. Hermione’s lovely and I would want to be friends with her. I’m saying she has this flaw (it is fine that she has a flaw, characters need those) and that so do all the other girls her age (it is not fine that they all share it, characters need variety) and that it’s representative of a larger pattern of mishandling female characters (also not fine).
Could you precisely state the flaw you see? You say “silly” a lot, but what specific behavior do you find objectionable, and why?
I don’t see the same behavior in the silly girls and Hermione. The girls play gossiping romantic fantasy, which Hermione herself has contempt for. The closest behavior is Hermione getting emotional about her relationships with Harry and other people, and what people think of her. Is having emotions about what others think a character flaw?
I go into more detail a bit elsewhere in the thread. She becomes hysterical about Draco, indulging some bewildering sort of friend-jealousy or romantic precociousness, moralizing to an unforgiving degree that she cannot possibly endorse if she thought about it for thirty seconds, making sweeping unsupported assertions about human psychology, determining of a sudden for no reason that Harry was supposed to be Science Monogamous with her, throwing a tantrum that is not necessarily age inappropriate but is not in keeping with her typical level of personal maturity, making their genders way more salient than they needed to be (she does throughout the fic, it’s weird), identifying herself for some reason as a “poor innocent little girl” victimized by a question that she just made relevant enough for Harry to ask...
No offense (and I’m a boy so quite probably biased about this, fair warning) but are you sure you know what girls are like in real life? I know in a utopian world there would be no gender stereotyping, but in my honest experience, even as someone who strongly wishes stereotypes would all burn and die, girls in schools do gossip, and stress about relationships, and quite possibly are prone to sensitivity and preoccupation about love, even if it is culturally rooted.
Just wondering I guess if you’ve been so successful in emancipating yourself from that stereotype (congratulations on that) that you’ve ended up with unrealistic expectations of what is actually normal for girls.
That said I don’t know you and don’t want to come across as though I’m certain of what I’m saying either, just reporting on my brain’s response to your comment.
EDIT: Typo fix
Up until I was about Hermione’s age, my friends were nearly all girls, and they were an even mix beyond that. I am not claiming anything so preposterous as that girls do not gossip or fixate on interpersonal matters. Of course they do; it’s not even limited to children. I am saying that girls are not uniformly silly creatures, differentiated only by name, approximate g factor, and school House.
I think it would take more than 30 seconds to get over the fact that someone you rely on to be your only equal friend does not have a symmetrical relationship where you’re similarly important, not to mention his OTHER close friend is the guy who has said he wants you dead.
Hermione explicitly thinks that it’s sad that Harry only has her for a friend, while she can have other people that she enjoys spending time with. She thinks that it’s flattering, but also a lot of pressure. If anything, this makes it seem that she’s upset that the relationship is more symmetrical than it initially appears.
I fully agree with the part about the additional relationship being with someone who wants to do unspeakable things to her, however.
I said it elsewhere, but I’ll reiterate and expand here.
Getting emotional, crying and running off does not necessarily merit penalty points in a human interaction, and certainly not for 12 year old girls who have recently been threatened with a lengthy term of prison/torture for attempted murder of someone who she recently discovered wanted to do horrible things to her, and then finds that her best friend and savior had a hidden and close relationship with that someone. Threats to security, violation of basic trust and in group solidarity, where the stakes are a torture death for her and the allegiance of her best friend and savior, who she had recently resolved to stick by in the face of a persistent threat to her own life.
Maybe the inside view of that would be hugely emotional, and might impair dispassionate thought a tad?
Me, I think it was a narratively appropriate scene for him to reintroduce a little cliched comedy. It was a little overdone on both sides for comic effect, but that’s how you make comedy. I thought it worked. I thought it was fun. I think he tends a little toward slapstick with his comedy, and it’s not intended to be taken as entirely realistic character development.
Strongly agree, also like to point out:
What makes you assume she will endorse it after she has had time to calm down and think about it for 30 seconds? I endorse incoherent positions all the time that I then am forced to retract on reflection. Doesn’t everyone? If our knee jerk reactions to things were correct we wouldn’t all be here arguing on LW.
Eliezer obviously agrees with you, but… Hermione doesn’t sound silly at all to me. Okay, explicitly believing that sufficient lack of sympathy makes one an inherently bad person is silly, but no sillier than Dumbledore’s deathism. And the jealousy is completely justified. Harry encouraged the rivalry, then promised they would study magic together—that they’d be the team to crack it, the only researchers in the wizarding world, not that she could lend a hand as human library. Of course they’re supposed to be Science Monogamous. And it’s not like he’s met another great scientist; he’s going out of his way to teach science to someone who hated her.
I tried to get one of my friends to read MoR and he quit after about Chapter 20 because he was getting annoyed at how the children weren’t acting like children. I think from his point of view, the disparity you’re identifying between Hermione and Harry, say, doesn’t count as mishandling Hermione so much as mishandling Harry… as far as my friend’s point of view is concerned, Hermione acting silly is a completely appropriate response to what she’s been through, and there is something deeply wrong with Harry Potter.
And… this is hard to talk about because I feel like I constantly have to make sure what I’m saying doesn’t count as Clueless Male Cluelessly Defending The Patriarchy. I have some small understanding of male privilege. It would be nice if I could be given the benefit of the doubt on this. (Now I’m trying to figure out if that counts as Clueless Male Cluelessly Defending The Patriarchy...)
Don’t worry about it. Complaints about “Clueless Male Cluelessly Defending The Patriarchy” are mostly an excuse to enforce norms about things you can’t say.
Complaints about “things you can’t say” are mostly defenses of extortionate strategies in social relations.
IME people very often do that in real life.