“Among all these comments, I see no appreciation of the fact that the version of many worlds we have just been given CANNOT MAKE PREDICTIONS, whereas “collapse theories” DO.”
So far as I know, MWI and collapse both make the exact same predictions, although Eliezer has demonstrated that MWI is much cleaner in theoretical terms. If there’s any feasible experiment which can distinguish between the two, I’m sure quantum physicists would already have tried it.
“The Foresight Institute has the same problem: People want to donate time instead of money, but it’s really, really hard to use volunteers. If you know a solution to this, by all means share.”
There’s always Amazon’s Mechanical Turk (https://www.mturk.com/mturk/welcome). It’s an inefficient use of people’s time, but it’s better than just telling people to go away. If people are reluctant to donate money, you can ask for donations of books- books are actually a fairly liquid asset (http://www.cash4books.net/).