New to this site… Have studied very little about logic and philosophy starting with some big famous papers that talk about how we know nothing for certain (thanks, Descartes), going through whether All Ravens are Black, studying the Perfect Island argument, learning about Famine, Affluence, and Morality, and ending somewhere along the lines of whether justified true belief is knowledge. That is to say, I’m not that educated on logic or rationality, but entertaining ideas is a great hobby of mine.
I came to Less Wrong because I found it on Harry Potter MOR (I haven’t read HPMOR, or HP for that matter, but I find both interesting nonetheless, and I just got really excited when I found that a site like this existed.).
My beliefs: I am a theist, and I do not affiliate with a religion or political party. Of course, that is to say, the mark of an educated mind is to be able to entertain ideas without fully accepting them. :) I also like to assume that the majority of the population is evil and has ulterior motives, but that’s just me…
I’m a high school student who’s just looking for something to write about and something to learn about. Just a new perspective altogether.
Nice to be here.
Karma: 8
See as far as my beliefs, I have a strong religious background… Catholic elementary and middle school (I go to non-sectional, public high school now), Hindu dad, Protestant (Lutheran) mom… I mean, I generally end up changing my mind every year or so, but right now, I believe that God exists as the Universe working within itself… and that as each of us live, we each experience God… I don’t know, I can’t seem to get my head wrapped around the idea of a nonexistent god because of my strong religious background. Not very “rational”, I guess, but that’s just me personally, and there’s really no should or shouldn’t as far as faith goes, so I’ve just been rolling with it. So, I sort of just been changing my perspective based on what I learn and hear about the world.
I don’t know if that really affiliates with deism or pantheism, really, but if what I explained above affiliates with one of them, would you (or anyone) explain how?
And as far as political parties go, there was this time when I tried to identify myself as Republican (though I really would be more of a Conservative Democrat) because I was tired of saying “No affiliation.” It also kind of seemed like a fun little experiment because then I would be going against pretty much everyone else (most of the people I know tend to be democrat). I couldn’t really hold out that long because, I don’t know, being affiliated with Republican—or Democrat for that matter—makes people regard you as some political freak and not merely a person just agreeing with one more. Another thing, when I found myself affiliating with Republican, I found that I began to care more about what party supports what position, and I feel like that’s something that just shouldn’t matter.
In the end, I’m also somewhat ignorant and not very confident about my positions just yet either.
And as far as ulterior motives, saying that I don’t trust people could be seen as my ulterior motive to not have to be generous and charitable (it’s a pretty lame excuse to not empathize with charities sometimes.).