Around 1:25:00, EY points out that Quirrel’s biggest error during the Final Exam was bringing in 36 Death Eaters after not seeing them for ten years, something a real Quirrel would never do.
The transcript from this part was “Wand wand wand wand wand! Ahhhhh!!!!!!” I had to do more editing than usual to have the volume spike from that hurt the audio for the rest of the track. :)
It was a really fun conversation and I’m grateful he joined us for it. I’ve been meaning to discuss somewhere my thoughts on WWMoR as a whole, but the quick summary is that I had a great time and found it a valuable experience in spite of its rocky start.
Briefly, the Character Sheet module didn’t focus on any particular deficit for the entire cohort, but rather allowed each participant to identify their own weaknesses through some helpful guided exercises. Overcoming these completely was not in scope for the duration of the alpha, but we put together some docs and spreadsheets to track our progress going forward.