Would you say the origins of other religions become more mysterious if there never were whatever magical beings those religions posit?
Yes, of course.
The least mysterious explanation of Paul Bunyan stories is that there really was a Paul Bunyan. And the closer the real Paul Bunyan hews to the Bunyan of the stories, the smaller the mystery. P(stories about Bunyan | Bunyan) > P(stories about Bunyan | !Bunyan).
But just because a story is simple, doesn’t necessarily make it likely. We can’t conclude from the above that P(Bunyan | stories about Bunyan) > P(!Bunyan | stories about Bunyan).
No, I didn’t leave that part out.
Of course magic makes everything else more mysterious i.e. P(magical Jesus) is infinitesimal. But P(non magical Jesus) is not low. We do ask JK Rowling what non magical boy inspired Harry Potter.