Survey completed in full, reporting in for karma as per ancient tradition.
Thanks to Scott and Dan for all the work they put into this!
Survey completed in full, reporting in for karma as per ancient tradition.
Thanks to Scott and Dan for all the work they put into this!
Now that I’m curious about what I missed, where can I sign up for Louie’s newsletter? I just spent ten minutes looking and I can’t find it.
Many thanks for the link to the Information Hazards paper. I didn’t know it existed, and I’m sort of surprised that I hadn’t seen it here on LW already.
He mentions intending to write a follow-up paper toward the end, but I located the Information Hazards Bostrom’s website and I don’t see a second one next to it. Any idea if it exists?
The survey’s exact wording is:
If multiple possible answers, please choose the one you most identify with.
So, if you for example grew up in France and currently live in the USA, and you thought of yourself primarily as being “from France” then France would be the correct answer. If you thought of yourself mainly as American, then USA would be the correct answer.
In other words, neither answer would be “wrong”.
Well, I can’t argue with that. I’m editing my previous comment to reverse my previous position.
Survey completed in full. Begging for karma as per ancient custom.
I choose DEFECT because presumably the money is coming out of CFAR’s pocket and I assume they can use the money better than whichever random person wins the raffle. If I win, I commit to requesting it be given as an anonymous donation to CFAR.
EDIT: Having been persuaded my Yvain and Vaniver, I reverse my position and intend to spend the prize on myself. Unfortunately I’ve already defected and now it’s too late to not be an asshole! Sorry about that. Only the slightly higher chance of winning can soothe my feelings of guilt.
… and at the same time, maybe he won’t!
The pirate-specific stuff is a bit extraneous
Jack Sparrow: The only rules that really matter are these: what a [person] can do and what a [person] can’t do. For instance, you can accept that [different customs from yours are traditional and commonly accepted in the world] or you can’t. But [this thing you dislike] is [an inevitable feature of your human existence], boy, so you’ll have to square with that some day … So, can you [ally with somebody you find distasteful], or can you not?
The reverse story—”don’t waste your time on liars”—probably shouldn’t end with there actually being a wolf, as one should not expect listeners to understand the sometimes subtle separation between good decision-making and good consequences.
The lesson of the story (for the townspeople), is that when your test (the boy) turns out to be unreliable, you should devise a new test (replace him with somebody who doesn’t lie).
In the past I went through a period that felt like depression, though I never talked about it to anyone so of course I wasn’t diagnosed at any point. I went against your warning and played the game. The protagonist started off with more social support than I did. I chose the responses that I think I would have given when I felt depressed. This resulted the protagonist never seeking therapy or medication, and what is labeled “endingZero”.
Depression Quest seems accurate. Now I feel bad. (edit: But I did get better.)
I just glanced at Yvain’s spreadsheet and it looks like 681 people gave probabilities less than 1% (AKA .01 as per survey formatting) and many of those entered simply 0 which couldn’t be misinterpreted either way. With about a thousand responses, <1% is the most prominent response given. No idea what data the OP could be looking at.
a god, defined as a supernatural (see above) intelligent entity
From the previous question:
supernatural events, defined as those involving ontologically basic mental entities, have occurred since the beginning of the universe?
I’m not sure what would or would not qualify as an “ontologically basic mental entity”. I’d need to look it up if you wanted me to tell you whether something does or does not deserve to be called “supernatural”.
This is very important for the interpretation of the question. Could the operator of a universe simulation be considered an “ontologically basic mental entity”? I’m not sure, and i can’t really remember exactly how i answered the question when i took the survey.
I want to point out that it is possible that some of these downvotes* could be honest assessments of a comment history. If a user notices you by reading one comment, that user might become interested in other comments you’ve written, and if this person didn’t like one comment, he may also dislike other comments in which you express similar ideas.
* Which were not from me, because i have not read the conversation you linked to.
I say this because i realize that i have (arguably) done it before. I noticed a comment from one particular user which deserved to be downvoted. Then i read all the related conversations and downvoted the other comments in which that user repeated more or less the same thing. Then, i began reading earlier conversations in which that user had participated, and found that many of this user’s comments were bad for similar reasons, but i did upvote about 10% of them that were good.
Overall, the user who had been downvoted saw a sudden karma drop within several minutes; they specifically made an accusation of retributive downvoting.
Long story short: on at least one occasion, a user who complained about mass downvoting was actually experiencing a rapid series of honest downvotes.
I finished the survey! Including the Unreasonably Long and Complicated part which i admit took even longer than i expected.
Typo: the first question of “Part Four: Views and Opinions” refers to the “US Labour Party”.
I thought he was giving extra points to Eneasz.
Hear that, Randall? You need to lampoon us better next time!
consider the effect on Thiel’s income
In that case I suppose we should let Thiel tell us who to vote for.
No, the poll is actually less bad. You see, your comment proposes:
wedrifid is ( misshapen AND a troll AND has no friends )
while the poll merely asserts
wedrifid is ( misshapen XOR a troll XOR has no friends )
Wedrifid got off pretty lightly, from this perspective.
Glancing at the comments, I see one of them addressed to “nyan”, so I’m guessing it’s Nyan Sandwich, who left when More Right was formed.