Disclaimer : I would not pay and want to pay that much money anyway—so I am not your intended audience
I’d trust you more (and I would think members of the rationalist community would too) if you gave several metrics, even if some of them are not so good, with explanations. Right now, it seems you chose a metric so that it looks good.
More metrics would take more time but not much if you have the data easily available. This would be my suggestion :
You can provide three percentages ( like when one provides three quantiles instead of just the mean of data values) :
the percentage of success in people you discussed for at least an hour
the percentage among the people with reasonable chances of success (motivated + didn’t bail + your expertise + spent at least X hours)
the percentage among people with great chances of success.
These percentages, with precise information on what determines in which category clients fall in and the percentage of people treated who fall into each category, would give a first sound idea of the success rate.
Taking on low success rate people would not be a problem because their data is treated separately. It’s only a problem if 90% of your clients are unlikely to be helped but that would not be a good thing anyway.
I agree with the fact that there are many examples of exponential growth in real life, but this post seems to overstate their importance.
Here, I feel that approximating a little quantity to zero led to a false conclusion. A lot of cool (and I guess bad) things in life are present in small quantity and it’s enough for them to be valuable and have a strong impact. There is one ethical breeder of the breed of dogs you love in France (example taken from a friend ;) ) : that’s all you need ! If you were limited to the main topics in conversations, it would get boring very fast. Thankfully, there are plenty of small new topics of conversations that appear when you talk to new people ! And, taking an example closer to LessWrong, you only need one powerful AI with weak safeguards to get the world into trouble.