To make a clarifying point (which will perhaps benefit other readers): you’re using the term “scheming” in a different sense from how Joe’s report or Ryan’s writing uses the term, right?
I assume your usage is in keeping with your paper here, which is definitely different from those other two writers’ usages. In particular, you use the term “scheming” to refer to a much broader set of failure modes. In fact, I think you’re using the term synonymously with Joe’s “alignment-faking”—is that right?
On point 6, “Humanity can survive an unaligned superintelligence”: In this section, I initially took you to be making a somewhat narrow point about humanity’s safety if we develop aligned superintelligence and humanity + the aligned superintelligence has enough resources to out-innovate and out-prepare a misaligned superintelligence. But I can’t tell if you think this conditional will be true, i.e. whether you think the existential risk to humanity from AI is low due to this argument. I infer from this tweet of yours that AI “kill[ing] us all” is not among your biggest fears about AI, which suggests to me that you expect the conditional to be true—am I interpreting you correctly?