Hat and Cloak is Salazar’s creature. He (it?) was put in the Chamber to be a counter to the second thing Merlin did when he laid the Interdict in force, namely biasing holders of time-displaced information toward simpler (non-catastrophic) loops—my best guess is, by creating random change in subject’s mind which randoms into thoughts leading to paradox-free behavior; from this side of the 4th wall it can look like ‘being stupid for the sake of plot’. (to clarify: the random thought is an extra degree of freedom by which the situation can be paradox-free without big complicated catastrophic coincidences)
HC’s original job is to bring/send back future information and limit exposure of Heir. Kinda like what Millicent does, or Snape did with Rianne—you know, it’s a difficult concept, needs good examples by the time it is explained. (for the record, this clicked for me during the ‘Groundhog Day attack’ which originally came before the ‘Interlude with the Confessor’ chapter—to me that chapter was a confirmation not a clue.)
The ‘Harry = Tom Riddle’ thing doesn’t sit right with me. The whole point of teaching Harry, the point of going this slow now, is to get Harry to embrace his dark side for a successful takeover—and look, he already thinks of it as part of him, not a separate side. I predict the sense of doom will decrease, Harry will interpret it as ‘Quirrell losing strength’ and ‘now is the time to be clever’ when in reality it will be—well, either it’s him getting closer to being taken over by his dark side, or it is directly faked by Q to be a false encouragement towards same.
There’s a theory going around about how it was Amelia Bones who killed Narcissa Malfoy, based on nothing more than the stray thought ‘Someone would burn for this.’ What she said to Dumbledore during Hermione’s trial (‘You know the answer you must give, Albus. It will not change for agonizing over it.’) seems to be taken as further evidence.
Of course it was Voldemort who did it!
I think what most of you fail to realize is, the whole thing happened after Voldemort heard the prophecy from Snape. Dumbledore predictably ignored the blackmail, and would not have killed anyone like that in retaliation (he would never crack, no matter what), but was willing to falsely claim he did it—one lie to an enemy is a small price to ensure no further loss of life to blackmail attempts. This resulting in Malfoy hating Dumbledore was also predictable. His hate kept the conflict alive after Voldemort’s planned disappearance. This kept the lines of battle predictable, set the stage for Voldy’s planned return.
I don’t recall seeing anyone state this, and I really hope someone did—it would suck to be the only person who could realize something simple like this.