Ahh. Yeah, I’d expect that kind of content is way too specific to be built into initial FAI designs. There are multiple reasons for this, but off the top of my head,
I expect design considerations for Seed AI to favor smaller designs that only emphasize essential components for both superior ability to show desirable provability criteria, as well as improving design timelines.
All else equal, I expect that the less arbitrary decisions or content the human programmers provide to influence the initial dynamic of FAI, the better.
And my broadest answer is it’s not a core-Friendliness problem, so it’s not on the critical path to solving FAI. Even if an initial FAI design did need medical content or other things along those lines, this would be something that we could hire an expert to create towards the end of solving the more fundamental Friendliness and AI portions of FAI.
Well, I figure I don’t really want to recommend a ton of programming courses anyway. I’m already recommending what I presume is more than a bachelor’s degree worth of course when pre-reqs and outside requirements at these universities are taken into account.
So if someone takes one course, they can learn so much more that helps them later in this curriculum from the applied, function programming course than its imperative counterpart. And the normal number of functional programming courses that people take in a traditional math or CS program is 0. So I have to make a positive recommendation here to correct this. I couldn’t make people avoid imperative programming courses anyway, even if I tried. So people will oversample them (and follow your implied recommendation) relative to my core recommendations anyway.
So in practice, most people will follow your advice, by following mine and actually studying some functional programming instead of none and then study a ton of imperative programming no matter what anyone says.