I discovered John C Wright’s Golden Age trilogy thanks to one Eliezer Yudkowsky, who mentioned it multiple times in his notorious Sequences. By the end of the first book i was expecting something very much in the deception genre you’ve mentioned — a tragic psychological horror about an unreliable narrator being gaslit about the nature of reality. This is a genre i really enjoy, and i kind of hoped for a novel-length version of Scott Alexander’s The Last Temptation of Christ.
I did not get that, the trilogy goes in a wildly different direction. But saying whether for better or for worse — heck, even saying if it’s a good or bad book — would constitute massive SPOILERS for anyone who discovered this book through Yudkowsky. (If you know why he dropped it, it should be obvious).
I kept hate-reading it.
[Diogenes voice] This device provides both heat and decorative visual effects, therefore it’s a fireplace: