So, here is a data point. Maybe not a helpful one.
I’m roughly 1400 on The complexity of the situations was far too high for me (in the time I had spare for this). However I was cautious about AI B and AI D suggesting drastic changes without detailing all options for the other player.
For example, AI B suggests taking the queen, then assumes that White will take with the pawn (not the knight). Similarly AI D doesn’t consider the queen taking the h-pawn.
This set my intuition on edge, so I lent towards AI A and C.
I’ve also >! used Stockfish on this after selecting my choices. So I’m rather aware that my ‘other options’ are probably so bad that the AIs consider them beneath notice...
Naive question- how do you use spoiler tags? Couldn’t find the option for them on this site.
(I phrased the rest of the reply to try and avoid direct spoilers. But fully understand you skipping it. Suggest you also skip other comments- there is a elo 2100 in the comments!)