I have a PhD in Computational Neuroscience from UCSD (Bachelor’s was in Biomedical Engineering with Math and Computer Science minors). Ever since junior high, I’ve been trying to figure out how to engineer artificial minds, and I’ve been coding up artificial neural networks ever since I first learned to program. Obviously, all my early designs were almost completely wrong/unworkable/poorly defined, but I think my experiences did prime my brain with inductive biases that are well suited for working on AGI.
Although I now work as a data scientist in R&D at a large medical device company, I continue to spend my free time studying the latest developments in AI/ML/DL/RL and neuroscience and trying to come up with models for how to bring it all together into systems that could actually be implemented. Unfortnately, I don’t seem to have much time to develop my ideas into publishable models, but I would love to have the opportunity to share ideas with those who do.
Of course, I’m also very interested in AI Alignment (hence the account here). My ideas on that front mostly fall into the “learn (invertible) generative models of human needs/goals and hook those up to the AI’s own reward signal” camp. I think methods of achieving alignment that depend on restricting the AI’s intelligence or behavior are about as destined to failure in the long term as Prohibition or the War on Drugs in the USA. We need a better theory of what reward signals are for in general (probably something to do with maximizing (minimizing) the attainable (dis)utility with respect to the survival needs of a system) before we can hope to model human values usefully. This could even extend to modeling the “values” of the ecological/socioeconomic/political supersystems in which humans are embedded or of the biological subsystems that are embedded within humans, both of which would be crucial for creating a better future.
As far as I can tell, DWIM will necessarily require other-agent modeling in some sort of predictive-coding framework. The “patterns in the environment” would be the correspondence between the actual state of the world and the representation of the desired goal state in the mind of the human, as well as between the trajectory taken to reach the goal state and the human’s own internal acceptance criteria.
Part of the AGI not hooked up to the reward signal would need to have a generative model of human agent’s behavior, words, commands, etc., derived from a latent representation of their beliefs and desires. This latent representation is constantly updated to minimize prediction error derived from observation, verbal feedback, etc. (e.g., Human: “That’s not what I meant!” AGI: “Hmm, what must be going on inside their head to make them say that, given the state of the environment and prior knowledge about their preferences, and how does that differ from what I was assuming?”)
At the same time, the AGI needs to have some latent representation of the environment and the paths taken through it that uses (a linear mapping to) the same latent space it uses for representing the human’s desires. Correspondence can then be measured and optimized for directly.