I’m surprised that Scott Alexander’s blog post didn’t go for what I think is a more obvious connection between conservatism and conservationism: religious fundamentalism.
The way man acts these days… [shakes head, downcast] forswears a God-given charge to protect this God-given Earth. The way he chokes the air with smokestacks, plunders the oceans of her fishes, and paves the green hills flat with concrete—it sickens me. Gets me [thumps chest with mic] right through the heart. His vainglorious pride to try to change the natural order of things, the intricate tapestry of birds and deer, trees, antelopes, and groundhogs, from the mighty whale down to the humblest anthill—modern man thinks he knows better how to till the Earth. What does he till it with? Monoagriculture and pesticides! And what does he reap? Monoxides and pestilence! [Swell of the organ, roar of the audience]
I see a grave judgement coming! I see the cry of the Earth, rising up to the heavens, carried on winds of carbon dioxide, of nitrous oxide, the methanes and the synthetic fluorinated gases—all!—rise up to the heavens! And they cry out to the Lord, “My God, how long?” [long pause] And the Lord answers. “Not long. No, not long now.” For there is a judgement coming. Indeed, the stench of our industrial civilization is both sin and the wages of sin. Silently sealing us off from the heavens, to bake in the stew of our own filth. As in the days of Noah, the waters will rise.
Oh Lord, save us from this mighty cataclysm! Make us turn in our hearts from the plastics and the petroleums of our idolatry to the wholesome fruits of your loving kingdom. Yes! We long to return to the fields and meadows of your abundance, Lord. Help us break our addiction to the spoils of modern life that poison your garden. Give us moral strength to abstain from consumer culture, from gas-guzzling SUVs, from industrial meat production, from coveting a bigger house, a bigger yard, fast fashion, and the latest i-Phone! Yes! Save us from the harlots of modern convenience, and return us, Lord, return us to the bosom… of your care.
This sounds like it’s using Russell’s theory of descriptions, in that you’re replacing “Colorless green ideas do Y” with “For all X such that X is a colorless green idea, X does Y.” Not everyone agrees that this is a correct interpretation, in part because it seems that statements like “Dragons are attacking Paris” should be false.
I think it would be reasonable to say that “colorless green ideas” is not just a set of objects in which there are no existing members, but meaningless (for two reasons: “colorless” and “green” conflict, and ideas can’t be colored, anyway). I think that was Chomsky’s intention—not to write a false sentence, but a meaningless one.