I’m an economist. I’ve taught at a university, worked for a think tank, and worked for government agencies. I’ve never particularly liked any of them and am now searching for a new career (I’m still plenty young, i.e. < 30).
Teaching at a University is probably the best, but I’m only an average instructor. I get frustrated teaching students that don’t get ideas as quickly as I would like them to and it’s exhausting.
I don’t care much for research. This can either be cause of ego (I want to make big discoveries, not small incremental ones), because I’m inherently skeptical of my results (I have some qualms with statistical hubris), or because I don’t have that je ne sais quoi that true researchers have.
Think tanks and government agencies were too political for me, although in surprising ways which I won’t go into.
Wrt strength and endurance, what do you think about fitocracy?
I only know about from xkcd, but this seems already set up to have physical goals for leveling up explicit in the design.