I think this may actually be my favourite post on LessWrong. It enabled me to reconcile much of David Chapman’s writing, which I’ve always enjoyed and gotten a lot out of, with my take-aways from the sequences and my overall perspective on rationality.
Karma: 6
Do you have a sense for what the week of SummerCamp will be like? I have taken the week off from my (completely remote-friendly) job, do you think there’ll be enough going on that this is the right move (vs spending some time working)? Or is it really hard to say until we’re there?
For a bit more context, I am flying in from Australia for LessOnline/SummerCamp/Manifest. I’ll be staying at Lighthaven for the whole period of the three events. I have enough leave to take the whole period, but I try to use my leave as parsimoniously as possible so if coworking from Lighthaven for some of the week is possible whilst still soaking up the summer camp vibes / feeling present, I’d probably do that.