I wouldn’t answer the astrology/UFO question. Extraterrestrials visiting in flying human-vehicle-sized ships from human-visible distances is so horribly anthropomorphic as to make it immeasurably improbable. Both propositions are far less likely than me winning the lottery, and that’s the best I can get from my wetware. Anything further is like asking, “Which are you more certain is a European country, France or Spain?”
Also, I’m inclined to avoid questions of this form on principle. It’s like Yudkowsky’s “blue tentacle” in Technical Explanation: Being able to find outs for a theory that doesn’t fit evidence is anti-knowledge, and the more practice you get at it the crazier you become.
Hi. I work at a company that does statistical analytics for insurance companies. I’ve been following SL4 topics ever since I was 12, when I Asked Jeeves about the meaning of life and got a reasonable answer. I used to be a regular in the #SL4 IRC channel, but very rarely posted to the mailing list. I’m even more of a lurker here.