Old man 1: Life is one trouble after another. I’d be better off dead, better yet, I wish I was never born
Old man 2: True, true, but who has such luck ?.. maybe one in a thousand.
My blog: https://cerebralab.com
I’m also building an open source generic ML library: https://github.com/mindsdb/mindsdb & https://github.com/mindsdb/lightwood …. which I guess might be of interest to some people here
I think the point is being missed here, I’m saying if you solve aging at the level of a head now body-transplant becomes viable, otherwise you’re indeed just stuck with an old mind.
As for parabiosis approaches, the sens take, etc—My personal take is that it’s hogwashy, biology is a faulty paradigm that hasn’t yielded relevant results in 80+ years, primary gains in solving diseases come from diagnosis criteria being shifted, gains in mortality reduction are solving at the mean not at the edges (e.g. removing pollution, better ERs, broader vaccine and antibiotic distribution, reduction in youths dying, reduced childhood mortality—stuff that is a distribution and production problem as of 100 years ago, not a scientific venture)