Suppose we amend ASP to require the agent to output a full simulation of the predictor before saying “one box” or “two boxes” (or else the agent gets no payoff at all). Would that defeat UDT variants that depend on stopping the agent before it overthinks the problem?
(Or instead of requiring the the agent to output the simulation, we could use the entire simulation, in some canonical form, as a cryptographic key to unlock an encrypted description of the problem itself. Prior to decrypting the description, the agent doesn’t even know what the rules are; the agent is told in advance only that that decryption will reveal the rules.)
For the simulation-output variant of ASP, let’s say the agent’s possible actions/outputs consist of all possible simulations Si (up to some specified length), concatenated with “one box” or “two boxes”. To prove that any given action has utility greater than zero, the agent must prove that the associated simulation of the predictor is correct. Where does your algorithm have an opportunity to commit to one-boxing before completing the simulation, if it’s not yet aware that any of its available actions has nonzero utility? (Or would that commitment require a further modification to the algorithm?)
For the simulation-as-key variant of ASP, what principle would instruct a (modified) UDT algorithm to redact some of the inferences it has already derived?