While mistakes can of course go in either direction, they don’t actually go in either direction.
I intuit that this is likely to be a popular view among sceptics, but I do not recall ever being presented with research that supports this by anyone. To avoid the lure of “undiscriminating scepticism”, I am requesting to see the evidence of this.
I agree that, for numerous reasons, self-reported IQ scores, SAT scores, ACT scores and any other scores are likely to have some amount of error, and I think it’s likely for the room for error to be pretty big. On that we agree.
An average thirty points higher than normal seems to me to be quite a lot more than “pretty big”. That’s the difference between an IQ in the normal range and an IQ large enough to qualify for every definition of gifted. To use your metaphor, that’s like having a 6-incher and saying it’s 12. I can see guys unconsciously saying it’s 7 if it’s 6, or maybe even 8. But I have a hard time believing that most of these people have let their imaginations run so far away with them as to accidentally believe that they’re Mensa level gifted when they’re average. I’d bet that there was a significant amount of error, but not an average of 30 points.
If you agree with those two, then whether we agree over all just depends on what specific belief we’re each supporting.
I think these beliefs are supported:
The SAT, ACT, self-reported IQ and / or iqtest.dk scores found on the survey are not likely to be highly accurate.
Despite inaccuracies, it’s very likely that the average LessWrong member has an IQ above average—in other words, I don’t think that the scores reported on the survey are so inaccurate that I should believe that most LessWrongers actually have just an average IQ.
LessWrong is (considering a variety of pieces of evidence, not just the survey) likely to have more gifted people than you’d find by random chance.
Do we agree on those three beliefs?
If not, then please phrase the belief(s) you want to support.
Ah! Good point! Karma for you! Now I will think about whether there is a way to figure out the truth despite this.