True it was found that being good only in one area is bad!
Yeah many no-name scientists, which send letters sometimes each other to advance science. Geniuses are overrated sometimes and they are only known scientists. If I Am not mistaken: even Einstein didn’t base his theories from 0 and connected multiple theories of other scientists together. And his wife had to help him with math sometimes!
Yeah and elitism in math is disgusting people which have qualification aren’t getting to places they deserve! Science is a lot about reputation and scientists can be very arrogant and jealous...
Yeah first IQ test were completely flawed like some questions about sports and were determined for small group of people…
Yeah honestly I read like 1 millions of articles about free will in a year after existential crisis and I have only 100 millions more questions. It is so complicated that I don’t understand anything. I Am way too observant… I saw on surface everything that exists literally!!! It is insane honestly!!! Even Stephen Hawking said: he can’t even follow everything from his area obviously, so people shouldn’t give that much crap about elitists…
For example: Elon Musk was confident about Teslas coming in like 1-2 years and now they can’t handle sharp turns and are worse than other cars and he found out: it would take to solve AI hard problem… Also prediction is that majority of US will have them by 2030, but that is already too late. Also consider C02 release by building a new electric car! It is actually better to use your current car to the end of its lifespan! Now in EU they want to introduce electric cars (I heard) while their plan is bad, as all their other plans :D And it is just climate hysteria, theater for activists… Or Teslas have computer for like 4k$ and can’t even type as you write LMAO!!! Or crap he said about Covid… He is indeed a genius, but he still has no idea about trillions of things, so he is still small part of universe and we shouldn’t listen to brilliant people blindly! As there are always trade-offs! But we should judge their arguments instead… Tho he lost considerable amount of followers after acting like an elitist!
Also Musk’s priorities are in wrong order, he is trying to build colony on mars, while it won’t be terraformed any time soon and will be depent on earth, instead of fixing problems on the earth and elitists like Bezos, for some reason think they will escape apocalypse in rockets and live like lords on mars. Honestly these stupid neoliberal elists in US are probably most stupidest people ever lived, they don’t understand anything except money...
Also musk’s global internet could affect space travel from junk and he launched turksat, which is controversial...
Because once we exhaust what we can know about a concept, what else is left? I cite: “imagination is more important than knowledge”—Einstein. And (I believe I mentioned this) it is scary that no one can even imagine how FW would exist! As how would one choose his own preferences, before he was born??? I cite: “A man can do what he wants, but cannot will what he wants”—Einstein There is currently no way to solve this problem!