Learning that “I am in the sleeping beauty problem” (call that E) when there are N people who aren’t is admittedly not the best scenario to illustrate how a normal update is factored into the SSA update, because E sounds “anthropicy”. But ultimately there is not really much difference between this kind of E and the more normal sounding E* = “I measured the CMB temperature to be 2.7K”. In both cases we have:
Some initial information about the possibilities for what the world could be: (a) sleeping beauty experiment happening, N + 1 or N + 2 observers in total; (b) temperature of CMB is either 2.7K or 3.1K (I am pretending that physics ruled out other values already).
The observation: (a) I see a sign by my bed saying “Good morning, you in the sleeping beauty room”; (b) I see a print-out from my CMB apparatus saying “Good evening, you are in the part of spacetime where the CMB photons hit the detector with energies corresponding to 3.1K ”.
In either case you can view the observation as anthropic or normal. The SSA procedure doesn’t care how we classify it, and I am not sure there is a standard classification. I tried to think of a possible way to draw the distinction, and the best I could come up with is:
Definition (?). A non-anthropic update is one based on an observation E that has no (or a negligible) bearing on how many observers in your reference class there are.
I wonder if that’s the definition you had in mind when you were asking about a normal update, or something like it. In that case, the observations in 2a and 2b above would both be non-anthropic, provided N is big and we don’t think that the temperature being 2.7K or 3.1K would affect how many observers there would be. If, on the other hand, N = 0 like in the original sleeping beauty problem, then 2a is anthropic.
Finally, the observation that you survived the Russian roulette game would, on this definition, similarly be anthropic or not depending on who you put in the reference class. If it’s just you it’s anthropic, if N others are included (with N big) then it’s not.
The definition in terms of “all else equal” wasn’t very informative for me here.
Agreed, that phrase sounds vague, I think it can simply be omitted. All SSA is trying to say really is that P(E|i), where i runs over all possibilities for what the world could be, is not just 1 or 0 (as it would be in naive Bayes), but is determined by assuming that you, the agent observing E, is selected randomly from the set of all agents in your reference class (which exist in possibility i). So for example if half such agents observe E in a given possibility i, then SSA instructs you to set the probability of observing E to 50%. And in the special case of a 0⁄0 indeterminacy it says to set P(E|i) = 0 (bizarre, right?). Other than that, you are just supposed to do normal Bayes.
What you said about leading to UDT sounds interesting but I wasn’t able to follow the connection you were making. And about using all possible observers as your reference class for SSA, that would be anathema to SSAers :)
That’s perfect, I was thinking along the same lines, with a range of options available for sale, but didn’t do the math and so didn’t realize the necessity of dual options. And you are right of course, there’s still quite a bit of arbitrariness left. In addition to varying the distribution of options there is, for example, freedom to choose what metric the forecasters are supposed to optimize. It doesn’t have to be EV, in fact in real life it rarely should be EV, because that ignores risk aversion. Instead we could optimize some utility function that becomes flatter for larger gains, for example we could use Kelly betting.