Caledonian: Not wrong. Take the field you’re swinging at to be a plane. There are infinitely many points in that plane; that’s just the density of the reals.
Now say there is some probability density of landing spots; and, let’s say no one spot is special in that it attracts golf balls more than points immediately nearby (i.e. our pdf is continuous and non-atomic). Right there, you need every point (as a singleton) to have measure 0.
Go pick up Billingsley: measure 0 is not the same as impossible nor does it cause any problems.
I’d say that the ball is a sphere and consider the first point of impact (i.e. the tangency point of the plane to the sphere). Otherwise, you need to know a lot about the ball and the field where it lands.
You can compare infinite sets. Take the sets A and B, A={1,2,3,...} and B={2,3,4,...}. B is, by construction, a subset of A. There’s your comparison; yet, both are infinite sets.
What assumptions would you make for the golf ball and the field? (To keep things clear, can we define events and probabilities separately?)